Race Change - Did I miss something?

Sorry, couldn’t find anything on race change, since the toon I want to change is on, Dal, I started here. I guess I have 2 questions.

  1. I can’t seem to buy a race change at all. In-game says go to the Blizz web services. Blizz web services race change page doesn’t offer an option to buy. Did I miss something? :stuck_out_tongue:

  2. Can we change to the new races yet? Was thinking of changing a char to a Light-forged Draenei. May as well not start a buy process if I can’t do that.


Do you have the required rep for a race change? If so it may just be that the Blizzard store is having a problem.

If the character is Horde then no, they cannot change to lightforged Draenei. You would need to faction change then race change which can be done in game from the shop > services option. It looks like you have the allied raced unlocked but that’s the only reason why I see it wouldn’t be possible if said toon you’re trying to change is on horde.