Race change and faction change coming to Barbershop!

Any kind that can be done. The WoW community is pretty creative with their trolling and creative us of mechanics. Now I can see the ways it could be really great. With people that want to raid or pvp as one race for the racials but be another for the RP.

As it goes I don’t have a dog in this fight. I don’t plan on race or faction changing.

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I guess I can’t really see anymore then what could be done currently with an alt.

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So they are giving up the $ they make selling this on the cash shop and letting us buy it in game with the gold we earned?

Something smells like sunburned Naga…


Race changes are easy money for Blizzard. There’s 0 chance they’ll stick that as a free service in the game.



Well… I think its unlikely but its plausible. Realm transfers really only were bought by a small faction of mythic raiders.

I imagine faction changes are bought by a equally small amount and there is the tech to change the player race in game already… it would also fix faction specific story dungeons that can’t be done in mixed groups.

Im hopefully but skeptical… it sounds like being promised a pony but I mean… some rich kids get one.

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If this is true and it’s not some asinine 1M+ gold sink nonsense, it will be HUGE for my enjoyment of this game. If I can change race like I change mogs…oh MY god!!


Waiting to see the 50 articles on WOWHead analyzing the video…

Though, Blizzard needs to stop kicking people out of guilds on faction change if they do this.


could just be a “haha funny post” being misinterpreted, in which case i can see the tweet being deleted shortly if thats the case.

Could be a cosmetic race change - change your appearance to that of your choosing for an hour type thing. (or permanently unless going into pvp)

Or just a full race change but i doubt it considering Blizzard likes money.

Time will tell.


Why not? Once upon a time, gender change was just as much a paid service.


One of the reasons I doubt heavily is how easily it could be used to harass:

John-PvPer Loses a PvP match… swaps to opposite faction to send nasty whispers to the guy that got points off of him

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Put your link in between two `` symbols.



Can’t click it but you can copy and paste it easily enough.

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You can just log into a horde toon to do this…it doesn’t prevent that. And you can report normally.

Additionally, rated battlegrounds are faction mixed anyways. The faction divide isn’t any means of prevention. It’s a non-issue.


Mixed feelings on this to be entirely honest.

On one hand I think it’s a good thing.

On the other it’s just another step in erasing factions and making choice in the game utterly meaningless.

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I assume they’ll be adding class change as well?

Or is this the backdoor to Undead Paladins?

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If this goes through I’m switching to Worgen for approximately 2.3333333 repeating seconds before realizing how awful their model really is.


If this goes through chances are good that all of my characters stay the same. Just like their mogs have for multiple expansions.

Doll dress up is not what I have fun with in WoW and I don’t care enough about racials for them to be a factor.


Race change should be free with a cooldown at most. server transfer also. Idk if I believe this but if it’s true I am all for it.


Y’all remember the video for Feast of Winter Veil? Some thought we were getting a sleigh as a mount? I even though perhaps we would get a temporary mount like the broom. Turns out it was just a new transport for the event.

I wouldn’t put too much stock into any talk of free race/faction changes etc Gold, perhaps but can we not do that already? Turn gold into tokens, turn that into Bnet balance and use that? (I honestly don’t know, I’ve never used those services).

While this certainly is true

Unless we have missed something, Blizz makes a small (large?) fortune with race/faction changes.

The video did it’s job though, it got people talking.

Maybe it’s part of a storyline? I have no idea!


I find this unlikely since they can make a ton of money every time they add a new race or class combo so why would they make it free especially after how much they have been adding to the store more recently including the $90 anniversary mount.