Race change and faction change coming to Barbershop!

I been giving this some thought, what if this is hinting at something bigger? You can change your race while keeping your faction? Whatever you started initially remains your faction and you can change to any race your class allows. Now you can have Orcs, Tauren, or Vulpera Alliance; Night Elf, Worgen, or Draenei Horde.

But how many players are buying race or faction changes? The top .01% that spend hours min/maxing? Your average player is just going to reroll.

Again, a gold cost still gives Blizzard money if it’s a sufficient cost.

That was the point of what I talked to Quiver about.

I think the intention is to include the probability that characters belonging to races that can be on both factions can faction change without changing races. Race changes have always allowed for a faction change when the race you have is on the other faction from the one you want.


and this is a crazy thought

if they were adding race changes to the barber

They’d actually SAY “we’re adding race changes to the barber”

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isn’t that what that was?

Post literally a “The power of a haircut” meme. “Is this a secret announcement about race changes that said no such thing at all???”


That’s what ran across my mind. Why even waste time making a meme? Stupid, just stupid. Could of used that time for literally anything else.

What I think could be the case is just elimination faction change and including it with race change.

I’d rather see a faction change included with a server transfer tbh. It’s kinda scuffed that people often end up paying $55 or whatever to change servers because the new server is blatantly dominated by the faction they weren’t playing.

Maybe a bundle type deal would work best