Raccoon option for Vulpera

Tikbalang as a playable race would be sick, and it would let use make use of that one charm Griffta sold me back in outland.

I had to make the joke before somebody else did. Also I admire your bravery to go searching for a non lewd picture of an anime animal girl.

Nope, my first thought was “excellent, a reason to get away with saying “c__n” in game” lol (the word isn’t allowed on the forums)


Woe is me

I call all Vulpera rodents, so you serve yourself.

Female pandaren have a raccoon customization to them

i dont play this game. i wouldnt care either way.

That’s called a red panda…not quite the same thing.



Remember to do your part and kill at least one Vulpera a day

The world will be a better place


/hugs random vulpera

A slender male pandaren option with red panda markings…


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it actually reminds me of a time when i saved a bunch of kids from a witch with by best pall Sox.

Okay, now I want playable Tanuki.

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Tree-Gnomes. Screenshotting this.

Nope. Tree-Gnomes are part tree.

Stunlocking people with a handbag wouldn’t be too shabby.

For each 1 vulpera you kill, 3 children subjected to domestic violence and schoolyard bullying takes its place.

I feel like tiny raccoon people would be Alliance though.

Personally I still waiting on an otter-people AR for the Alliance



Or a possum variant for their fur. Possums are hella cute

Beep beep all aboard the Mom Bus


Vulpera are fennec foxes though
Would be weird for them to have customisation for other animals.

Would be like worgen having hamster options or Pandas having pig options.

That thumbnail looks terrifying, like a dozen souls trapped within a mount - kinda like that https://i.pinimg.com/originals/97/68/dd/9768dd30d9b7ccc4f3d3f3a1f84774d2.jpg