R Druid and H Priest - raid cds that are a horse and buggy in an automobile world

R Druid and H Priest have been around since the beginning. Tranquility and Divine Hymn were developed at a time when raids were simpler and had a lot less movement.
Raids now have much more movement and higher damage phases tend to coincide with high movement. Newer healing classes have raid CDs that DO NOT require plant and channeling. Pres Evoker has Emerald Communion but you can talent into casting and moving. The worse part about Tranq and Divine Hymn is that the healing isnt even front loaded. So the times when theres the most damage and movement - our answer to that is a spell that we cant move to use at any worthwhile potential. It really is a square peg in a round hole.

Blizz knows that the channel model doesn’t work for today’s raids, thats why the more modern classes dont have that type of raid CD.
It’s time to bring our tools up to date with other healers.


Tranquility is complete garbage outside of the raid and they already nerfed using it while moving.

R Druid feels completely gutted from how it was in past expansions, they gutted it’s mobility for some reason. They also try too hard to make Rejuv a raid thing, they’re complete trash in the raid lol.

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It really doesnt heal for anything even if we DO get a full channel off. Its a lot of planning and work for little reward

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Or just Hover, Hover makes Emerald Communion cast able while moving allowing to get the Stamina Boost Talent.

So tranqs healing mostly comes from our mastery. But i can agree its hard to get a full channel off during high movement but allot of times you can have a different healer do that.
Example. Tranqs should be used on the webs on queen while say a shamans HTT should be used on frothy.
But i would love to have a day when we can be running around channeling tranqs like we did in legion that was fun.

Srsly? Hover works on Emerald Communion? Wow…

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Yep mained Evoker all through DF, hover is absolutely amazing. But I love my Druid, I’m Resto, and our cooldowns are definitely a relic of the past.

I even despise how Convoke is aswell, no healing cd should have rng tied to it. They need to remove the dps elements from player form and let the ability actually heal.

I’ve even suggested for Tranquility instead of us being rooted in place, the ability summons an Ancient that will stand and channel the ability, on theme, be visually cool, but more importantly allows us freedom to continue to heal or do mechanics.

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