Quitting WoW, Shadowlands' grind was the breaking point

You don’t need to do all of that. WoW is not designed for a particular player to do everything, and certainly not everything within a short timespan.

But the game itself is unlikely to say: stop playing. WoW does do this some of the time, there are mechanisms in the game that encourage playing a reasonable amount, but you have to pace yourself to some extent.


Absolutely. This points out that the hardest boss to deal with is the Dev boss. How can you work the systems to minimize frustration and time played to get the best outcome for you!


Would you like to cite some kind of source for that?

Because it seems far more logical to me that people who talk a lot about WoW would also talk about it when they decide to unsub (to whomever they usually converse with). And people who don’t talk much about WoW would just not discuss it when they quit.

It would also seem logical to me that mature WoW players wouldn’t give their in-game belongings away to some schlub they don’t know who tells them to. Mature human beings generally know that they might want to revisit an old game some day. They also know that there is no reason to reward rude behavior from strangers.


If you want to be competitive with the best then any game requires a ton of time. When I played tennis I was an average club player. I didn’t fret that there were tons of people, and every pro, that was better than me. Why? Because I played for fun and exercise.

I treat WoW the same way, I play for fun (but not exercise :wink: ) That’s the thing about WoW, you can play it however you choose. But, if you want to be the best at anything, be prepared to put a lot of work/practice into it. On the other hand, if you play for entertainement you can play at whatever pace you find enjoyable :slight_smile:


How anyone survived WoD or BFA is a mystery to me.


1 less Paladin is a win in my books


Yeah, so I understand this. I’ve been thinking of the fun I could have on my Playstation right now, instead of putting is so many hours of grind.

At this point, I have 4 characters at level 60 and maxed out, every week, on renown. That’s about all I can handle. A fifth would be too much anima grind every week, not to mention having to do the long and sometimes ridiculous covenant campaign quests. (Seriously, have me traveling all over Azeroth? Someone at Blizzard took too seriously the command to force player to spend more in-game time every week.)

But get this. Having 4 characters to keep up every week, I don’t get to focus too much on any one, so none of them are maxed out on iLevel. I PvP mostly, unrated battlegrounds. My cap isn’t going to be nearly as high as others, already. But I’m not even hitting that cap. I just don’t have the time to grind all day long every day.

Sure, I could have only one character and focus all my attention on that one character. But I do enjoy different play styles, and when I’m burned out a little on one, I like switching to another. But Blizzard seems to be saying: “Either do what you like and fall behind, or skip doing what you like and keep up.”

Not a great choice.

And get this…I’m not even grinding for the soul ash or working on legendaries. I’m also not even working on any of my professions yet. Simply don’t have the time.

What Blizzard has done is create a cumbersome expansion. Instead of juggling it, I’m thinking of dropping it.


I’m a survivor! Although I was a filthy Feral abuser, and in bfa I may have been a full gushing sin rogue

But aye, fotm = fun

Here is my version. It works very well and has gotten me to 207 so far.

Daily: Maw, 30 mins (weekly quests can easily be done at the same time as the dailies). That’s it. No need to do emissary reskin quests imo.

Weekly: Torghast, 1hr. Dungeons, 4x M+, 3 hrs. Raid w/ guild, 6 hrs. PVP, 2-3 hrs.

Total: 16.5 hrs. This is enough for Mythic raiding. More than enough in fact. Any more and you hit severe diminishing returns for your time. The fact that you feel the need to spend 40+ hours per week grinding is all in your head.


Times 4 characters, that would be 66 hours per week. But not getting paid overtime or a hefty salary.

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It’s never the first hit (WoD or BFA) that takes people down. It’s usually the double tap while they are already down that finishes them off.


Which game you playing bro? I can do 3 quests for renown and 2 Torghast runs and that is power grind for the week done.

SL compulsory grinds (Torghast isn’t even compulsory if you have a decent rank 4 legendary and are happy with it) are way less obtrusive than BfA’s.

SL grinds:

  • 3 renown quests
  • 2 Torghast runs (optional)
  • Maw dailies (optional)
  • callings (optional)
  • 1 task for great vault (auto completed by playing any aspect of the game)

BfA grinds:

  • Essences
  • Azerite WQs
  • Weekly Islands
  • Azerite Emissary quests
  • Weekly M+
  • 1500 conquest grind
  • Warfronts

Probably more I’m missing out on. But those are all compulsory compared to SL’s one?


You don’t need to have 4 top tier competitive characters, though. If you only have a limited amount of time per week, you’re probably not even thinking of doing that.

You can certainly have a couple of geared characters, and some alts for profs without using up all your time.

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I just bought Quake Collection from Steam and turns out my nostalgia kicking was a sign. Having a blast fighting unforgiving bots in Quake III Arena. Also, playing Hades from Super Giant is a breath of fresh air.

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You’re assuming only one legendary would suffice which isn’t especially when you want to have DPS/tank/healing specs that are situational for single/aoe/PvP/PvE (also when the legendary equip cap will increase, you need to farm torghast weekly); if you’re not passionate about the end-game competitive gameplay then ya your grinding is much less than mine.

SL grinds: more dailies and weeklys as i stated above and could get worse in the upcoming patches

  • 3 renown quests required only for the covenant quest counts as a separate chore and it takes 30m-1hr as i stated above or you’re cherry picking just to make your argument better; this post already seems troll
  • 2 Torghast runs (optional) required as i just said, if you care about min-maxing multiple specs/situations you have to get many more legendaries and it’s like 1 legendary max per month which can add up to a lot especially for multiple alts
  • Maw dailies (optional) required: just as important as gearing from keys/raids, sockets add so much stats that you have to grind this so gear/sockets don’t become a weakness for your competitive end-game; the cost may even raise in the end game who knows
  • callings (optional) didn’t account for this but if the covenant reputation grinding is required for flying in Shadowlands then this will add a decent amount of grind for a month or two
  • 1 task for great vault in the last part of my original post, i just got 9 chances to loot a pvp wep and not once has it showed up yet; to do just 1 per week means i have to go through 9 weekly chests instead of 3, incredibly bad RNG so you have no choice but to grind the 3 weekly chest slots for your preferred content (pvp because the loot is upgradeable to mythic raid ilvl easily; m+14s are insanely hard without gear that the failure/non-timing rate is very high vs getting 2100 which i am already close to getting w/ okay teammates

*you didn’t account for the additional keys and pvp grinding which is a DRASTICALLY longer grind compared to BFA because of the reduced loot change in Shadowlands’ PvE and additional 2 weekly chest slots for each content pve/pvp content
*there may be additional grinding for the upcoming tier sets too when they announce it

BfA grinds: easily just 2hr per week chore once done w/ the annoying essences; then it was just having fun with whatever i wanted with no dailies; very alt and casual friendly just wished the azerite traits were balanced for each spec

  • Essences I came in after the essences were “account shared once unlocked by one character and bought at the vendor for each alt”, so it was merely a 30m-1hr weekly for a month; the BG one requires dailys for a month esp during bonus honor weeks then you’d easily get the essences that I’ve used for mythics/PvP
  • Azerite WQs optional: never did them esp once azerite power was boosted
  • Weekly Islands optional: never did them esp once azerite power was boosted; only did them casually like once per month to get the elk mount so it’s insignificant
  • Azerite Emissary quests optional: never did them for gear, just mythics, raiding, arena
  • Weekly M+ only grinded these for 2 weeks and then I legit was done for the entire patch/expansion; loot is very generous in BFA end-of-dungeon/raid loot so it was extremely easy to gear up in 2 weeks
  • 1500 conquest grind easily capped the pvp chest w/ daily 2s and 3s wins w/ one extra each for 2 days; Shadowlands cap is insanely grindier for the weekly chest loot (not the weekly conquest which is insanely easier because skirmishes now award conquest)
  • Warfronts optional: never did these for loot
  • you forgot the visions, cloak, and currency farming which was super easy for like 15 weeks then I was done with the cloak (didn’t need sockets because the corruptions were so strong without them, and the grinding for sockets in BFA is way more unpleasant compared to the current Maw grinding
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OP, maybe MMO are not for you.

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I myself found bfa more fun and wod about as good as shadowlands so far, this expac is just plain crap.


Like someone said above, if you wanna be really good, you have to invest the time, like in anything you do. If not, then just Play once in a while.

Aren’t the PvP rewards from the vault higher iLvl than the PvE ones?

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You dont have to do Maw dailies, or WQ Dailies. You can get by with doing Maw weeklies. I got my Legendary to 225 and I will never step foot in torghast again.

You do not HAVE to do any of these things. You can skip a lot of it and still play. You’re not going to be denied a group because you didnt grind enough sockets or cuz you’re legendary isn’t at max ilvl . . . only if you run Mythic Raids which like hardly anybody does.