Quitting WoW, Shadowlands' grind was the breaking point

With the insanely longer grind in Shadowlands compared to BFA, WoW has fueled my obsession and addiction so much to the point that I feel like I’m a hamster running in a wheel. When the quests and content feel so repetitive that you feel like you’re just pressing buttons on a keyboard like a braindead to get a visual response to eventually see “creatures slain 10/10” in a quest log pop up on your screen with cool visual and sound effects makes me feel like I’m a test subject being conditioned in a psychology experiment. The game has lost its immersion and fantasy, and now the game has become a chore that I don’t look forward to every day even though I obsess about it constantly to become a better player. Also Shadowlands is much harder than BFA not only because of the reduced loot and lower ilvl from the more accessible end-of-dungeon chests but also the content is harder itself, so you’re actually getting punished and not rewarded appropriately for trying harder which makes absolutely no sense. Another reason for the difficulty of completing Shadowlands content is the spec-specific borrowed power balancing (some specs have covenant abilities that can one-shot ppl with one or a few buttons *cough druid dps). This constant negative feedback and emotions are the reasons that I thought about quitting in the first place. The worst part of it all is that this gets repeated in the next expansion.

Mainly I’m quitting because I’m wasting my life away. For me to get decent in Shadowlands I would have to commit 4 hours daily and with some weeklys adding up to 36 hours weekly is such a sad realization for me, and it’s doubled if I play my 2nd alt making this hobby a full-time waste of time. What’s even worse is that even after completing my chores, I have the urge to keep on playing because of the high I feel from the positives of this expansion (pvp wins are so much more cheesy-satisfying, dungeons and raids are challenging in a good way, and the visual and audio elements from WoW in general and this new environment and characters in the shadowlands are so gratifying to witness).

Here is a breakdown of my current time usage in the beginning of Shadowlands (I know it gets much easier later but I don’t care at this point):

Dailies 3.5-4.5 hrs, 24.5-31.5 hrs per week from dailies

  • maw .5 hrs to get item sockets (even when I have the maw mount the long respawn timers of some bonus elites and quest adds are what makes this task 30m instead of 15m)
  • dungeons 2-3 hrs to get the baseline 210 ilvl (have to make up for untimed runs due to carrying noobs that are cheating the raider io system, and no loot because of reduced loot this expansion compared to BFA)
  • pvp 1 hr to get the mythic ilvl weekly chest AND vendor/conquest loot and upgrades (dealing with losses from my mistakes and my noob teammates with 2k rating; for instance I’ve had 2k warrior teammates that don’t intervene, cc, or do low damage that it drives me insane)

Weeklys 11-11.5hrs; altogether with dailies is 35.5-43 hrs per week (w/ 2nd alt is 71-86 hrs per week)

  • maw weeklys to get item sockets .5 hr
  • torghast 1 hr to craft legendaries (tank is easily the best spec to do layer 8s, it takes time to ramp up your damage since you have no borrowed power at the start and tank dps is low without it)
  • pvp 3 hrs to get mythic ilvl weekly chest AND vendor/conquest loot by reaching 2100 rating (this is by far the best way to get mythic ilvl with the least amount of effort vs mythic face-palm raiding)
  • mythic raiding 6 hrs w/ guild to get BiS loot that never drops
  • renown/covenant weekly questing to unlock more passives in your “2nd talent tree” .5-1 hr

I could be spending all of that time learning many new things, making a ton of money, finding a soulmate, or playing other less time-consuming games/hobbies to entertain myself to get the similar high we all get from playing WoW. Instead I’m just tunnel visioning and obsessing over just this one game that it has become an unhealthy addiction that I similarly used to have when playing League of Legends, and the only way I dealt with it was quitting cold turkey while replacing it with something else to give me the similar high. Playing an alt and doubling your game time is necessary in WoW because like in League of Legends you had fun with character/spell style variety and playing just one character is so boring. Moderation has never worked for me so I have no choice but to quit WoW for good. My recommendation is to avoid MMORPGs and other games that take up more than an 2 hours a day of your life. If you’re still in middle/high school you should definitely get a taste of WoW if it’s manageable.

WoW is the best game that I’ve ever played and I’ll still log on randomly for inspiration for 3D art design, animation, and GUI. I’ll still be watching the WoW cinematic/in-game cutscenes on YouTube to catch up with the story and state of the art visuals. If I become filthy rich, disabled, or an elderly I’ll come back to this game but by the time that I do return the WoW franchise will probably be concluded. Anyways GL and farewell WoW community and hello adult life! :frowning:

**After 4 weekly chests (12 choices of weekly PvP chest loot), there is still not a single PvP wep to be seen even with the 3 PvP slots unlocked every week. This super low RNG is not helpful sigh


The OP gets it.

No you can’t have his stuff.

You can’t have mine either.

None of these points are invalid.


I can still fuel my Alt addiction though so I yet have reason to stay lol. Plus no one has cool races like WoW so guess Im screwed


Gave away most of my gold to a few guild officers and I’m keeping some gold just in case I need to buy some gear from the AH to do content to unlock an animation that I want to see in the game. That’s the only reason I’m still subbing. WoW’s art style is unlike any other so I’m trying to learn as much as I can


Yup. Precisely.


Buh Bye



I havent played seriously since WoD and i cannot believe the amount of grinding required in the game now. I just bought the game 2 weeks ago and im already burning out. For me the issue is because i only play for the pvp, and to avoid not being completely deleted in a stun , you need to farm both PVP AND!! PVE.

I bought a legendary off the AH and i need 5150 soul ash to turn it on. So after brainlessly slogging through Torghast for about 5hrs this week i got my 1250 ash. Now i get to do this for 4 more weeks? Plus everything the OP mentioned…


edit: and i forgot to mention that when i finally get tired of my main, i have to do a bunch of this on an alt again, yikes.


for the starter 190 legendary you only need 1250 or so to create it.

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if it takes you 5 hours to complete torghast the problem is definitely in you in the first place. The expansion is miles better then BFA, no matter from what point you’re looking at it. Most of the content is optional. Some guy in the replies even complaied about having to do pve to not be deleted in pvp, which is absolutely untrue. Cope harder that you’re no good at the game. I have a main, an alt and am working on a second alt already, it doesn’t take me more then 20 hours a week of playing to get everything I need done, and I even manage to cap rated honor for the vault each week. Stop complaining about problems that do not exist in the first place


:wave: ok byeeeeee :musical_note:


Ok man I get your points. I really do. If you want to be the very best in all forms of content, like it sounds like you do, it’s like a full time job (or more if you have alts that want to do the same).


If you just want to enjoy the game at a mainstream level (take mythic raiding and high rated arena out of the equation) then you can get away with much less and play lots of alts as well.

The big part of your time equation is the dailies/callings. However, I rarely do these since it’s pointless except for rep and some gold. If you still feel the need to do every calling for the potential conduits, then I feel you may have a gambling addiction as well, since the odds of getting conduits aren’t great…

Maw dailies give paltry sums of stygia, so I rarely do those also. I only do dailies if I’m in the vicinity and I’m knocking out the weekly stygia quests (which are worthwhile). Otherwise, the maw rarely gets any traffic from me.

I like to spend more time on alts/professions. So I don’t spam mythic+ dungeons. I’ve still been able to reach level 193 on my main. Just did 1 mythic+5 dungeon before reset and I got a nice upgrade for my neck from the Great Vault. If you aren’ the type of player to spam keystones all the time, then you don’t NEED all the different choices in the Great Vault. One or two choices should be enough unless you get really bad RNG.

My gear right now is a mishmash of PVP gear, great vault items, a couple raid pieces, some mythic 0 pieces, and some mythic+ pieces. And a heroic ilvl piece from the weekly before. This gear is good enough for me to have fun in random bgs.

I don’t want to play this game everyday like a full time job either. The key is to learn how to spend your time wisely with the least amount of effort for the biggest possible gains.


False. The expansion is designed for a specific target demographic. Those in that demographic are getting what they want to out of the game. Those not in that demographic are having a very different experience.


Why would anyone ever try to provide a person like you with evidence? Let alone free stuff! Your post is delusional – fostering the idea that people never quit WoW to bolster your insecurity about a game you can’t live without – and you’re rude.

While there are undoubtedly players who say they are leaving and don’t, there are far more people who unsub for months at a time, sometimes years at a time, costing Blizzard a ton of money both in subscription revenue and in services and game-related products. Some of those people post here. Most do not.

The last time I saw this kind of proliferation of frantic “nobody really quits” responses was in WoD. SO many players quit then that Blizzard freaked out and cut that expac short, apologizing publicly, throwing everything into Legion, and obviously going into panic mode.

The surest sign that the game is in a bad place isn’t posts that say “I quit” but rather the number of angry and scared denials that players quit. If the game was doing great, people like you would not be so defensive.


You don’t like austerity in a video game?


Yup, some coworkers of mine left the job due to covid, and I’ve got more hours at work left to myself.

Seems like the only people who play this game anyone (and succeed at it) are unemployed. The amount of time you’d have to spend is disgusting, it rivals Classic imo. And Classic would reward you much better.

Sucks, but I’d rather have some cash and do other things than be “good” at WoW, especially since Shadowlands is such hot garbage.


Good on you. Anytime a game takes over your life, its time to quit. Good luck in your future!


If he wants to quit like he said and doesn’t want to have the temptation to come back then that’s the way to do it. Even he if wants to come back he will realize he have no gear, no gold so he can’t really play unless he paid to boost a new character, or buy a wow token with cash and sell on AH for gold and then buy bear on AH.

Of course we all know he won’t do it coz. In fact after a day or two he will forget he complain online and happily log back on. Those who actually quit most of the time won’t post online. They usually just login and unsub. No need to let the world know. OP is posting to complain about the state of the game/class nothing more.


You know what? That’s fine.

I mean, it sounds like you don’t enjoy the game for it’s own sake anymore, which happens. Perhaps a break will do you good.

ETA: And then, when all the catch-up mechanics are in place, you can pay for carry runs to get back to the level you want to be at, and play the game in easy-mode again.

Do you realize most of that is optional?