Quitting in Solo Shuffle at higher rating

you dont have to put much thought into it
Quitters quit and Winners win


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legit commerci has to be either u mud or eorc

wait responded to wrong person

everyone should leave rss out of principle. microsoft will fix all this madness

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Sorry but if you actually believe anyone is doing this ridiculous crap that is nearly impossible if not totally you share intelligence with a jellyfish. There probably is a ton of boosting going on and it’s 110% pilots you will never know other than getting rekt.

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I hate playing fury so if I am having a bad queue session, I don’t really hesitate to afk and chill. I afk’d last week at like 2k rating because I genuinely don’t care and I was tilted.

People do that with their off spec a lot I’m sure. I know people last season who had their offspecs to 2800 and would rage quit lmao.

Across my DK rogue and spriest each one sees a leaver every 4 th q, which is actually quite a lot. Maybe one or two of those is a boost or something but I’d bet more on all them being rage quitters. DKs at 1850 and it happens as much as my rogue or priest in the 1400 basement, usually the healer, usually after a heated exchange with one of the other DPS because they died to something idiotic that the healer couldn’t help. Line with no trink and CDs for example.

Sucks when people do that though because it happens enough your MMR gets destroyed.

Ok so I’m in a match yesterday and this mage is acting like a completely idiot running right into the other team and almost getting 100-0. I am literally losing my mind trying to keep this guy healed up because he is playing his position so poorly. So on the third round we are up top in mugambala and he is in the back between me and the enemy and they finally kill him because he is making it impossible for me to heal him without being cc’d.

The round ends and in total frustration I say “that mage man… wtf he is horrible!”. One of the other guys in the next round replies “he is a rank 1 tournament player lol” like really it’s me and I’m the one playing bad. So I reply “uh, ok… so why is he playing so far out of position?”. Crickets. Nada, zip zilch.

The next four rounds this dude plays like a demon perfect position stays behind his healer almost the entire time never lets us get anywhere near him.

So obviously there are a couple things odd about this. One, wtf is a rank one tournament player doing at 1600? I always donk down over the weekend. Second how do you explain him playing so poorly with me and then playing perfect positioning and cc on cooldowns with the other guy?

The WoW pvp community is really small now and full of scammers. Even if these people aren’t queuing in together they probably know each other. I see the same faces all the time.

How else is a rank one tournament player screwing around at 1600? He is donking down to carry people. Period. That little episode is all the proof I needed. Ranked play in WoW is a scam. Why do I shoot ip to 1800 during the week and then get farmed down within a few games every weekend? Because that’s when the boosters are on making their $$

Higher rated people probably don’t notice it because once you get up around 2k you probably don’t have this issue anymore. People are serious about pushing rating. But since 1800 is tmog and title that’s why you have so much shenanigans at that bracket. I always climb into expacs late and this is the first season I have ever really tried to push rating in WoW, got skillcapped, studied the game etc.

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