Quitting, how to give gold to friends?

I know people get banned in SoD for tossing large amounts of gold around. I’m quitting gaming altogether and want to gift a couple friends my gold from running GDKPs in Wrath/TBC the past few years. What’s the best way to do that without getting them flagged or suspended? Or am I making a big deal about nothing?

Edit: it’s a couple hundred thou.

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Trade them.

Blizzard doesn’t care. They only care about banning a top teir pvp streamer for account sharing. Not gold farmers or traders. They like to pick on the mentally vulnerable streamer, who eventually commits suicide.


Wouldn’t worry too much about it. I gave 200k to 3 people in the last phase of wrath. They used it to buy token subs in wrath so they could play SoD sub free. They have all quit already ofc, their token game time fully wasted, but none of them got banned. I could never get into it myself, hardstuck leveling never even made it to 25.

I also gave a 500k loan to an IRL friend because he wanted to bid on a shadowmourne in gdkp. Took 3 trades, and he bid for a week, and gave up when the price got too high. Gave the gold back, neither of us had any problems.

During cata prepatch I gave 999,999 to a sibling trio on my friend list, 2 brothers and their sister, depositing it into their casual guild bank. No problems there either, they’re all 3 still playing cata. I’ve uninstalled wow that same day in prepatch, but my account is still token-subbed until early 2025. Just happened to talk to one of the brothers today, so I came to see what’s up. But I don’t really feel like playing this game again just yet.

I’m your friend send it my way

There’s almost always more to the story than people are willing to share. For the first couple weeks of Cata I was trading/mailing around a ton of gold because I was getting all the Chaos Orbs in our Heroic groups, making belts, selling them and splitting the gold.