Quit Ignoring Feedback About BEM [Arenas]

There are zero people that want this archaic map in rotation still. It is actually insane that you guys ignore the feedback you get from the thread about disabling it because of a bug and everyone there tells you to just not bring it back.

It is so small and every fight happens up top. There’s so many knocks or and MC to remove people from the top. It isn’t fun to play or play into. Remove this map already. Nobody that likes competitive arenas enjoys seeing this map when they join their queue. You’re either getting knocked or walked off as melee or you’re spending your time walking people off. This isn’t fun to play into or play as.

Quit ignoring your player base and remove this old map, especially in solo shuffle. Tol’Viron could get the same treatment. Maps in shuffle shouldn’t favor casters or melee so much in a game mode like this. If there’s 1 caster or 1 melee, they’re basically screwed the entire round after waiting 20-30 minutes.


I wholeheartedly agree