Quit Complaining About Buying Flying

So we buy it, like we did in TBC, WOTLK, CATA, MoP…

59? I thought it was just a couple of campaign quests. Since Blizz is taking so long they should just go ahead and give us flight before 9.1 even launches.

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I went by this, but it may be wrong.

It may simply be available at 50, which would be a lot better.

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I actually hate this. I suck at making gold or farming anima or whatever.

I MUCH prefer it to be a one time grind on one character and done.

Just because other characters have the “ability” to purchase flying doesn’t mean theres not going to be a massive grind associated with it as well (Max out covenant, 30k anima for every character etc).

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Flight is account wide. Once you get it, every toon over 50 can fly in the flight permitted zones.

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New Blue Thread


Flying topics always get my blood pressure up because Blizzard can never just come right out and say exactly what is going to happen, which leads to all kinds of speculation and trolling. They also love to throw in words that can be interpreted to mean different things.


It’s not the cost so much as the wait. If they’re going to go back to letting us buy flight, why not let us buy it once we reach max level?

Wait, what? Oh, I see, they aren’t imaginative(talented) enough to make content that takes advantage of player flight.

P.S. And they still have a sore backside from WoD.

Semper Fi! :us:


Pathfinder is fine. Flying would be like 100k gold per character by now.

They lowered it into the ptr to where you got it earlier now the current Blue Post shows now you get the item and it allows players to purchase SL flying for their toons

The purchasing part is what has people upset.

It’s like not only are we going to make you all do a PF grind but we are also going to make you pay for flying.


Well, the link provided by Waidmann gives information direct from the horse’s mouth as it were. So this new info makes things a lot easier. They were initially saying Renown 59, then it went down to 50, and now its:

"Your covenant is the wind beneath your wings, so you’ll need to prove your utmost loyalty to them by earning Renown Level 44 prior to lift off. "

And they have apparently even reduced the amount of the campaign you need to do, so it will take a lot less time than previously indicated.

This made me giggle because that goes against human nature in the modern era.


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Should’ve been in the game already at renown 40! Especially with the drought we’re experiencing. Would’ve been a noice gesture on their behalf.


This idea wouldn’t pose a potential problem if there is no WoW Token.

/equip pitchfork
/tar blizzard

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THis is from the article .

Read the 2nd paragraph\

Earn your wings and a special covenant-themed mount in the next major content update, Chains of Domination! Instead of challenging you with a Pathfinder achievement like in previous expansions, you’ll instead earn flying in Shadowlands early on within the newest chapters of your covenant campaign.

Upon completing a quest contained within the “The Last Sigil” storyline, you’ll be rewarded with Memories of Sunless Skies. This consumable item allows all characters on your account to purchase the Riding Skill needed to fly within the four main Shadowlands zones!

Yeah I just saw that. Obviously a lot of sites like Icy Veins and Wowhead will have to adjust their pages as their information is out of date now.

I pick let flying be purchasable with gold at max level.

Pathfinder was just our punishment for wanting flying back. Originally ion had no plans to add flying into WOD.

Love how they put renown to gatekeep good ol flying. Nice.

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Pretty much it s if we want to fly we have to do Pathfinder (patch 9.0 and parts of 9.1) then also purchase flying .

I’m a bit confused - where does it say you have to purchase flying? All I can see is that you have to complete up to Renown level 44, to be able to do up to a certain section of the covenant campaign, and upon completing that you receive the “Memories of Sunless Skies”. So as I say, Im a bit confused.

Edit: Wait, I see it now. I think that means that characters below 60 that don’t have the highest level of flying already have to buy it to fly.