Quilboar, where are they?

Before that, where’s the Ogres?

Doesn’t everyone basically hate quillboars? They’re too simple minded and aggressive also their need to terraform everywhere they go with giant thorns probably doesn’t help their popularity either.

In a way we did onto our grills that is


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I love the Quillboar… they have built in toothpicks when I’m eating them…

I mean they were fairly good lore wise before their current leader took over + the scourge

But we killed that leader and the scourge so like

Where the good piggies at lore wise, id absolutely rock playing a quilboar

I could see them offering some new stuff, as they have magic that is considered offensive to tauren. Also quil boar talk to spirits more so than tauren it would seem, as we never see any tauren deities but we have been the quil boars.

Considering the Horde have done everything they can to bully them out of their territory, I would expect the Quillboar to join the Alliance actually.