I am thinking of making a new evoker and leveling as Augment. is that possible, normal level process not all dungeons.
I would suggest leveling as devastation till you reach Dragonlands, then swap to aug and chain dungeon to learn the spec. Most skills you are accustomed to from Devastation just become a different one during aug, the buffing and keeping buff uptime high is something you learn during proper dungeons, not the low level zerg fests.
Overall Aug is very fun but slower than reg dps during solo content.
thank you
extra words here
Augmentation is imho not fun to level. because you may do less dmg than some healers. quests might take longer.
yet feel free to try of course
I just leveled an evoker with the primary focus as Augmentation.
If you’re chain running dungeons, it’s ok. In most cases, I would have been better off as, Devastation or Preservation. It just didn’t feel like I made much difference as Augmentation.
Soloing, Augmentation was terrible. It could get the job done, but it was in no way superior for anything while questing.
The spec shines when doing somewhat difficult group content. That’s about it.
You can, but devas is way more fun.
Originaly i lvled as preserv solo world.
I even sometimes world quest as aug. But nothing beats the fun of destroying all through devas