With all the new things added we will be traveling again to SFK for the dailys. What is the quickest way to get there. Is it Org>Silvermoon>UC>Fly? Any tips would be appreciated.
There’s a portal in Orgrimmar at the zepplin tower that takes you straight to Undercity now. Whether you get dropped in pre or post BFA, I think depends on if you’ve done any of the BFA quests.
Org > UC (port at the Zepellin tower).
Why Silvermoon? Why not UC and then fly?
honestly I would get the orgrimmar cloak, then set my hearth to sepulchur.
that way you can get to the dailies, and still get back to valdrakken (org cloak → valdrakken)
Well thank you all, totally forgot bout the port at the zepp. I knew there was a faster way! Hope this helps someone else too.
Mage ancient Dalaran port is probably the absolute quickest (unless you bind up a hearthstone nearby) just mind the step
Depends on the class?
Mage - Dalaran Crater portal
Druid - Dreamwalk to the Dream Portal Nexus and then Hinterlands. This isn’t closer than Undercity but it is faster than waiting on the zeppelin (bad info)
Paladin - Order Hall exits out in the Eastern Plaguelands
*Rogue - if you have done the legendary daggers quest you should have a scroll to ravenholdt manor, pretty close.
Also, tested this morning with alliance toons. Dragonflying to SFK takes like 2 minutes from SW, so I gather flying from anywhere in EK might not be that bad
Edit: I’m a dumb dumb and forgot that after BFA the zeppelins are mostly for Stranglethorn and Northrend. Woops.
Zepplin from org to UC is gone its just a portal at the tower now.
They removed it cause it kept messing up right? or was there a lore reason that UC is destroyed we dont wanna fly there anymore ha.
Zoridormi time phasing screws it up, pretty sure
Org portal can take you into UC below, the Silvermoon portal takes you right next to the UC clicky and takes you outside UC
If you did the “return to Lordaeron” questline, the UC portal in org takes you UC above ground next to 4 other portals 1 of which, and more importantly, is a portal that takes you to the doorstep of Utgarde Pinnacle for farming blue protodrake, a mount which I swear is not in the game, but I digress. Please excuse my salt.
Rolling a Worgen and using
Thanks for that tidbit too, now i got another port to remember heh.