Quick question about verigans fist

Im playing a human paladin at the moment and I was just wondering if Verigan’s Fist is worth getting. It seems like a waste of time imo. Also is it just a healing weapon? (Im new, have mercy).

This weapon is OP. You’ll need help to get it early. The quests are a pain, but from 20-30+ you wont have to worry about another weapon.

Is the weapon good because of the stats it gives?(The int spirit and stamina?) The damage already gets out classed by corpsemaker at level 29.

Yeah, but that’s 9 levels later. The stats aren’t ideal, but the damage is good. And if you’re someone that likes running dungeons anyway, it’s pretty easy to get.

But mainly it’s just part of the ritual of rolling a paladin, getting an SFK group that usually has 3-4 pallies, getting a nice blue weapon that is unique to the class.

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Ask for help shamelessly to get it.

I myself have Run two pallies to get it.

This weapon can last you till SM. Unless you’re well past 30 already, it’s well worth getting.

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I always help new paladins get it. If you get it ASAP it’s truly amazing. I of course rolled the master race of dorf, but it’s even better for the umgi with their mace spec. If you get Bonebiter after from the SM quest that’s lvl 20 to 50 not having to worry about an RNG drop for a weapon, and buying a Lord Alexander’s for the rest of the way.

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