Quick change to moonkin form for spellcasting?

Im in moonkin form firing off attacks. I throw down a Efflorescence, just for keeping topped off so I dont have to think about it. It swaps me out of moonkin form, obviously
Any way to macro it to get back into moonkin without hitting the extra key ?
Or is this the one way blizzard slows down this awesome spec?

Nope. Changing into Moonkin form is a GCD and macros can only perform a single GCD so that would be where the macro ends unfortunately.

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Oh…ok…thanks anyway.
going to start soloing as resto and not really liking that part of it, lol.

Put this line in a macro before any of your general Moonkin attacks.

/cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form
/cast Moonfire

When out of form, the first press will shift you into moonkin, where a second press will cast whatever you’re stating for that last line (in the above example, Moonfire).


Thanks. I’ll give it a try.
I did some of my own versions but they just dont work, lol


If you’re determined to make Balance Affinity work, then I wish you luck, but I would strongly recommend giving Feral Affinity a try. Balance Affinity plays like a crippled Moonkin. The global required to switch into Moonkin plus the cast time of Wrath or Starfire feels like eternity, especially when you’re switching in and out regularly. The fact that you don’t actually have Astral Power, just a hard cool down on Starsurge also removes some of the nuance and flexibility of a proper Balance Druid.

Feral Affinity is another story. Because you’re adding your caster DoTs into the rotation, it has its own distinct flavor (i.e. it doesn’t just play like a crappier version of Feral). You drain your energy, pop out to cast a few spells, and try to get back into cat before your energy caps. It’s a super fun play-style. The only thing it’s really lacking is a DPS cool down (alas, I miss getting free energy from Innervate T_T). It’s also numerically superior to Balance Affinity if that’s a consideration. =)

Actually, this thread makes me wonder. What are they going to do with Balance Affinity in Shadowlands? Are they going to keep the current builder/spender model that they’re trying to get rid of in Balance proper? It could be interesting. I hope they take this as an opportunity to make Balance Affinity a little more competitive even if my heart already belongs to Feral. =)


Yeah. it works really well. exactly what i was looking for.
Gettin a buttload more DPS than with what I was using to keep from fighting the moonkin form swap to use Starsurge and Lunar Strike.
I may toy around with it more.
Kudos…you ARE the man :+1:

Ive always run Balance but my other main I guess youd call it is resto shaman. I always run shaman solo in resto. So Im forcing myself to try to run solo in resto druid instead of balance.
No real reason, I guess. Just like healer specs, mostly anymore.

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Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for (yay search feature!)


I think someone on this forum gave that to me a few weeks ago.
Seriously helpful if you want to swap to cat, bear and back quick.
I just one key macro the form change and /castsequence my attacks since Im not going for record DPS anymore.
Druid is soo much easier to play.

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Just wanted to say thanks. This works perfectly for what I want. <3

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Why? I’m always curious when people choose this path. I’ve just never asked before now. I mean, healing yourself in solo content doesn’t really teach any real skills that transfer to group content and your damage is lower, thus time to kill is much slower. Is it just an rp thing?

well, I got wasted by about three trash running as guardian, feral and balance.
I was able to stand up to about 10 trash with resto because I can heal thru it.
At the end of the day, if Im being mobbed, and this expansion seems to love that crap at times lol, im saving myself time if Im doing the graveyard walk of shame less

If you die to 3 trash mobs as a boomkin or guardian (can’t speak to feral), you are just flat out playing the character wrong.

just stop…