I don’t really post these here, or really anywhere, but I thought I’d make one to get away from the facts that Boomy is bound to only playing a KOTG spec. Especially after Corkiri and his near run of winning the EU AWC, Boomy popularity will probably shoot up;
Video: ‘https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9g3Lpa5kYc’
Boomy specs:
This build is based around cycling as much arcane damage as possible through Starfall, Moonfire, Starsurge and Fury of Elune. This will continuously ramp Boundless Moonlights through proc Furies & reduced CD furies together for unexpected burst while still hitting numbers as hard as KOTG builds. Excels in BGB, Shuffle and all rated arenas. Also beats up those loser BM hunters. Works best in wizard comps or against cleaves.
Elune’s Chosen (Full Moon):
A cheese full moon build that does require a bit of luck, but you can see numbers as high as 4.5M full moons in perfect conditions. Requires a lot of setup, but really fun . Really good in BGB, has it’s moments in actual arena + shuffles.
KOTG (Standard):
Standard build playing around FON Dream Bursts with chain 1.5M starsurges and 800k+ dream bursts. Works well with setup comps like Rogue/Boomy & DH/Boomy. Your go-to, easy to play, spec that isn’t too hard.
Hopefully gets a few more people into playing boomy rn, as I think it’s probably the most stable wizard that isn’t too insane or too weak atm.