Quick and greasy fix to Shadow

Here’s my idea:

Either get rid of insanity, or make it a builder/spender

  • Remove Void Form
  • Buff our baseline haste
  • Buff our base spell damage 20% to compensate for the lack of VF damage buff

If insanity removed:

  • Keep Void Bolt, increase its damage (maybe 140% SP, just to entice its use over MB/SW:V), remove its DoT refreshing capabilities
  • Keep Void Eruption as a 30-60s CD, on a different button than VB, remove cast time

If builder/spender:

  • Keep Void Bolt, increase its damage, remove its DoT refresh, costs 20 insanity
  • Keep Void Eruption, no CD, costs 45insanity, keep cast time
  • Nerf Mind Sear’s insanity generation to 1 per target hit per second and cap it at 10 targets, or make it a flat 5 insanity generation

I think there are a lot of decision making possibilities with the latter. Maybe change the name from insanity to something else, more shadow-themed, like Darkness or Shadow Power or something. Horrible examples, but you get my point.

I don’t have any suggestions for reworking the talents.

Bam. Ramp gone, on-demand AoE burst, smooth rotation, easy to balance.



Yep that’d move us in the right direction.

It’s really not hard to keep what people like about Voidform and remove what people don’t like.

I don’t get why the devs seem the worst at this.


My developer side:

To put it another way, if you spent 5 minutes coming up with an idea, that’s how much stock should be put into it.

It’s good to know that theorycrafted ideas are taken as “good ideas” without any testing or discussion, though.

“It doesn’t matter what your idea is, it’s automatically better than what we have now.”

I would love to see a throwback to BC and get back some passive group healing and maybe even some mana restoration. Shamans are getting back raid totems, why not give Shadow back some class identity?


I came back in 8.2 after quitting mid-Cataclysm. I was really disappointed when I saw that our self and group healing was virtually nonexistent especially given how many healing tools that practically Every. Other. Class. And. Spec. has now. I would also like to see a more impactful passive healing make a comeback for us.

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As usual Odin, your posts are inflammatory attacks on people for having differing opinions than you, that add nothing to the overall discussion.

Art’s title was “quick and greasy”, implying he wasn’t attempting a fully formed solution, he was just showing how easy it is to move the needle in the right direction.

My response was “Yep that’d move us in the right direction”, which should be pretty clear I am not saying this is a finalized solution, but it is a directional improvement.

I didn’t dive into the weeds because if the devs are going to borrow a solution from the community, hopefully they choose one of the dozen proposals floating around that is far more developed.

The most likely outcome is they ignore all community suggestions and build their own solution, in which case the mountain of specific criticism in the Shadowlands Priest Class Feedback thread is what’s most beneficial for the devs.


Odin is an idiot who hasn’t even done a single boss outside of his 9/12 LFR and doesn’t even play shadow. Imagine always posting when you have literally no experience as a shadow priest.


I don’t think you understand what “inflammatory attacks” means. But no, yeah, I can totally see how you clearly don’t attack people at all. This is also definitely relevant to the discussion in the thread, and really adds a lot.

Odin, you make yourself relevant to threads when you respond to every single poster to tell them they are wrong, as you did when you derailed the consolidated feedback thread that you linked, and are attempting to do here.

He’s proud of not playing or caring about Shadow too, yet he’s possibly the most prolific poster on the subject. It’s wild.