Queuing without full honor gear is selfish

Reason #3,478,245 why Retail is bad

There was a time where you did BGs to gear up.

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One needs to farm honor before one can get honor gear.

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PVP gear is in a great place.

Gearing is fast, it doesnā€™t matter if a handful of players join the battleground with fresh 70 quest gear. They will learn really fast. Also itā€™s a free kill for me if your team has them.

But Obviously here we are only complaining about undergeared players on our side.

Let people play how they want, if they want to be useless dead weight, so be it. You can control your actions only, so either leave, protect them, yell at them, lecture them about the benefits of a low salt diet, ignore them, hunt the oppositeā€™s faction undergeared players, go do rated with your full 450 buddies, make a party with your full 450ā€™s buddies, teach them about crafted gear, give them gold for crafted gear, add them to your friend list and mentor themā€¦

Some of the best matches Iā€™ve had recently have been with us having a really undergeared healer on our team and still winning easily.
Gear only goes so far. Canā€™t kill the low health healer, if their team doesnā€™t let you get to them.

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Iā€™m sure you were geared more than your opponents. The ability for some of you to just imagine how much better you think you are when it all comes down to gear is astounding

This is exactly the right answer. People only notice when it affects them. I have equally as little fun when Iā€™m stomping the timewarped leeches as I do when theyā€™re on my team begging for carries for their honor set. Itā€™s bad for everyone. Some people donā€™t even have health UI displayed so they simply 2 shot someone and think theyā€™re a PVP god without putting 2 and 2 togetherā€¦No, the opponent just hasnā€™t upgraded their gear in 19 levels.

Itā€™s crazy to me that every solution you provided to an obvious problem absolves the leeching player of all responsibility. They can ā€œplay how they wantā€ and you even suggest other players ignore and embrace this while giving them gold for crafted gear and offering to mentor them??? Is this an actual troll post? Why do you defend these people and not the ACTUAL people here willing to address the problem? I always love the ā€œlet people do what they wantā€ argument to any form of toxic or ignorant behavior. Might as well get rid of driving laws because people paid for their cars they can drive how they want. No reason to consider others around me on the highway, theyā€™re all toxic for even NOTICING my bad driving. IN FACT, they should give me money and offer to mentor me on driving.

Well, for starters, this is a videogame.
Gearing is fast, so it doesnā€™t matter. Some players are new and donā€™t know better. I know about the crafted gear and use it on fresh alts.

Whats toxic is raging at them over it and calling them names.

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I think enabling bad behavior make you toxic so weā€™ll just have to agree to disagree. But you didnā€™t answer my question conveniently. Why do you defend THESE people and not the people that come up with reasonable solutions to an obvious problem? Saying ā€œGearing is fast therefore it doesnā€™t matterā€ is not an answer. In fact thatā€™s ignoring the problem completely.

My point is that gearing is faster at max level. You can get 2k honor in Epic and quickly have your trinket and small pieces in no time. The solutions are already there, by having 2 sets of gear with capped PVP ILVL. I defend the noobs who donā€™t know about all the path of gearing because they have to learn somehow. Itā€™s easy to complain when youā€™re a 20years old veteran and expect everyone to know everything you know. But these same people often forget there are new players that join the game and try PVP for the first time.

Theyā€™re doing unranked PVP to gain honor to get PVP gear. The issue is not with them, itā€™s with Blizzards no-minimum Ilvl systems. Hopefully in 10.2 with the minimum ilvl they have for Brawl would also be applied to random BGā€™s meaning anyone with leveling gear gets brought up to almost a full honor gear ilvl.

Thereā€™s nothing to answer, my opinion is based on the attitude people have towards new players and it is not fair to them. Theyā€™re unranked battlegrounds, they are meant for undergeared players first.


Hilarious you say this when everytime i encounter a BG leech just there to afk for their honor set they always have 14k+ achievement points. No. There are plenty of people that are well aware of how to gear and well aware they are negatively impacting their team so they can remain selfish and lazy while still acquiring their gear. Itā€™s a fundamentally broken system that perpetually encourages bad behavior. But I guess go on white knighting for the 1% of truly ignorant noobs that just enter BGs blindly. Those people arenā€™t on this forum though so again Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re defending their honor.

Someone with 200k HP can still help in an epic battleground. Siege damage is the same. CC is the same.


Again just total avoidance of the actual issue while completely absolving the players adding to the issue. Bravo. Yes. Siege damage is the same. CC is the same.

Since weā€™re playing perfect-world-make-believe-scenario letā€™s say itā€™s now a DPS race, which team is going to win? The team with 10-15 players in Timewarped gear or the team with 35+ players in minimum green/blue pvp sets?? Letā€™s say itā€™s the Wintergrasp fight for Sunken Ring that weā€™re all familiar with. Who wins? Does the team of leeches that all die in 4 seconds win to the team that just rolled them that now has promotions for siege vehicles??

This problem would solve itself LITERALLY overnight if there was an iLVL floor for entering random BGā€™s. Unfortunately, the systems in place promote afking in BGs to acquire gear as it is the fastest, cheapest, and least involved way of getting gear. So for the last time, Iā€™m not sure how you defend the people that obviously take advantage of this system. I personally get my 12k honor BEFORE level 70 on all of my alts or I buy the crafted pieces precisely because I donā€™t want to be a burden to those around me that come ready to contribute. Why is this level of social awareness not expected?


What Issue?

This never happens, there are undergeared players on both team.

I said the same thing.

All Iā€™m saying is people can and will queue without gear, the solution isnā€™t on the player side. See above with minimum ilvl and ilvl scaling.

Do you twink yourself or are you a burden with 80k HP?"

As you should, I do the same and when I see someone undergeared I send them a whisper saying they can buy crafted gear for cheap on the AH. They can do w/e they want with my advice, they donā€™t prevent me from winning. Note that Iā€™m talking about Epic battlegrounds exclusively, that is where anyone should go to gear at 70.

Having played the game since day 1 I can tell you from experience this will never happen. Not in PVP, not in PVE. People donā€™t care as much as you.


At least Horde side those 200k hp players arenā€™t queueing Epics but randoms and it hurts the team. The other night a H Pally queued with 155k and was last in healing overall, I am including all 20 players.


Yes Blizzard needs to make the minimum item level scaling higher so people donā€™t enter battlegrounds with such a low item level. Or something.
But I donā€™t blame them for trying to play, they do need honor too.

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Sure they do. Like Tal said, thereā€™s a way to contribute regardless of gear.


I did a few games in quest greens. Got over 6k honor which I am not going to spend, died a LOT, contributed little (I think I got a flag cap somewhere in there) and was thinking of you the entire time. Worst of all? I had fun. 10/10 Will do again.


How DARE you! Thatā€™s not allowed here. :rofl:


This ainā€™t the flex you think it is. You are obviously allowed to do whatever you want. Being a selfish person which is what this thread is about, sadly isnā€™t anything new to this game or society seems. So congrats? You are just another forgettable player here who is just like everyone else.