I don’t think it is that, but what has been irritating for me lately (especially on Horde) is players that literally have 218 item level or 250k health. It is so easy to get 15k Honor if you queue battlegrounds every now and then, which would grant you enough for a full honor set.
Two nights ago someone queued a level 70 battleground wearing Heart of Azeroth neck, like you can’t make this up.
Agreed with this. If you’re upset about undergeared people in randoms go play rated or soon solo rated.
I never come in fresh 70’s but I do come in with pve gear. For e.g. I come into a bg now in a full 400 pve set since that is easily gotten from Dreamsurges.
Another fix is to scale up the gear floor (didn’t they do this before?) to lessen the gap between geared/fresh toons.
I disagree, on the weekends I have a few alcoholic beverages and just want to have fun and not wait for a comp. to do rated battlegrounds. It makes it a lot less fun when a few players even half don’t even have level 70 PvE gear. Like I stated before a person was wearing Heart Of Azeroth neck.
If it’s only one or two players then I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m always fully geared, I always bring full consumables. I don’t mind “carrying” people if they’re just starting out. They’ll probably be at least honor geared by the next day anyhow.
This has been a problem for 20 years but for some reason Blizzard can’t learn. In Legion they had a minimum item level that everyone got boosted to in BGs. It was great, you could jump right into PvP with your alts. But then they took that away.
-Getting honor pre 70 is stupid, because it will take you like ten times longer to hit max level this way so you’re just wasting your own time to reach your end goal.
-Crafted gear works to get started, but only if you have the gold.
No, not really. When I hit 70 on my DK I simply spent maybe two-hours doing battlegrounds from 67-70. Not only did I hit 70 in two hours but had 15k honor and was able to help my team when I queued battlegrounds.
Not really, but I wasn’t weak either kind of mid-tier. Forget the name but they had time-walking instances that were pretty fast queues and I got some good pieces from that. I also queued battlegrounds (since that is what I love) at 28-30 then 38-40 and so on.
It varies a lot, if someone just queues from 61, they will have as much fun as an undergeared player in 70s. My personal experiences conclusion was to get to 70 asap and get crafted gear then honor gear in epics.
Now it might change in 10.2 with the way the blitz scaling work, that might be the best option going forward.
It sucks but I would rather do that than hurt my team when I ding level 70. Especially now since most players are full conquest so even full honor gear hurts my team.
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Simply pointing out that especially on Horde side that it is aggravating when people queue with 218 item level. This used to be a rare thing but at least Horde side I see this almost every battleground.
True, but it is demoralizing when your 218 item level healer finishes the battleground with 93k healing done. Personally, even with full honor gear I feel bad for my team cause I know damage and healing output is a big reason for success and I even feel like I am hindering my team and this is with full honor PvP gear.