Queue Time Disparity

Confusing how i can have a literal 30-40 minute queue, immediately finishing and queue for an instant pop with not much mmr change.

Anyone else experience this? Just luck of the draw I suppose… what’re you guys doing in queue?

Also I know queues are gonna be longer, healing with the current state of dmg is prob not the most fun

healers get instant pop with little rating dps get long queues with massive rating gains depending on lobby.
its a trade off but its still awful. game would be probably be better off with just the queue get a pop its 1 game rinse repeat. feels better to play 1 game and win/lose then being in 6 games with a theoretical terrible lobby and just go -50 but also goes other way around might get the best lobby ever and go +50 its weird :.

The real fix is to just get more people to play the game and want to PVP but with our current class climate if we arent getting weekly changes that are actually fixing the issue as opposed to just “heres a 10% nerf here heres a 15% buff here” games need to feel fast. but fast because your team played well not fast because x class is doing 100% more damage than you killing you through every button (feral, dk, bm hunter, warrior of any spec, demo lock now, frost mage)