- Q dodging is comicly prevalent at 2500+ (stacking debuff as mentioned per above)
- Boosting/Throwing/Potatoing at 2100+ (review deviations of actions per minute, ban throwers, ban boosters - chefcurry & bobxd are part of the WOW Market Discord community that I know of that offer these services, act like it matters and take steps to shut services like this down)
- Q syncing late at night (this is a fundamental problem with the MMR system, at 3k MMR you are down to a very small pool so if they all decide to Q at a certain time how do you stop that?)
- Q watching - where you use Seramate/CheckPvP etc to see who is playing when and dodge (remove API that allows that level of visibility to player data. Also - you know your website hasn’t refreshed any R1 cutoffs in like legit 7 weeks? I know you only are backed by the most powerful software company on the planet, but is no one really watching even that most basic thing? Are we really just not pretending we care anymore?)
All of these things make it super demoralizing to even try - and that is before you get into a 2800 lobby where people are still talking about damage and healing instead of map objectives and CC. Blizz has to police the antics outside BGBs better. Blizz: your HAL autobot just read that and computed ‘better = routine scan at 11.1 / no action necessary’ but what was meant was DYNAMIC / REALTIME / LOOK WE REALLY CARE solutions before the end of this season.