I’m sure that made you feel very powerful now.
Well best of luck on that. If you want to make it go away, just report him for trolling. At this point, he’s just yapping and trying to draw attention to himself.
Ahh yes here you are trying to get people to falsely report again. People like you are the problem.
I’m not trying to have him banned or muted or whatever. There’s no need to jump straight to the extremes.
I find him mildly irritating, with this specific behavior. I’ve no interest in him losing the ability to speak his mind on a forum
Actually, they said that Strand was the most blacklisted. They also said that only 20% of pvpers even used blacklist, so it was just easiest for them to remove Strand and blacklisting at the same time.
Sound about right, thats how they roll. I mean cancel culture worked on the college campus lol.
Ya I got that title in 2012.
Ha as someone that was around then, it 100% was put in for a reason.
And? The queue limits were put in in Wrath. For 15 mans (there were no 10 mans back then) and AV and isle.
Skirms do this now. You get a debuff for missing the queue.
Did you just make this up?
This is kind of a funny statement. Going to be honest if you want the bracket to develop and grow you wouldn’t run queue sync premades to begin with. The bracket quite honestly is not real active. EBG communities hold it up. Especially horde side. Which is evident when queue syncs don’t take queues and the horde side remains 20 players down the entire match. I have seen this first hand. If you want more maps etc etc you wouldn’t be doing things that intestinally deter people from wanting to queue the mode. AV is one of my favorite maps, but I rarely queue epics except for the weekly.
Queue sync premades in Epic BGs drive people away from the mode, period. There was a month in DF I tested how bad premades where by running a lot more epics than I normally do. I was running into premades at a 60% ish clip. Higher during certain times of the day.
Dude really stop. Go outside, step away from the computer for a few minutes.
Ya they are just making stuff up. I mean they removed Strands because it was so blacklisted.
Blizzard knows whats going on, I would almost bet they dont act because its bad business to ban such a huge portion of the player base, it would be record breaking if you included all those buying boosts w cash.