Quest:the wrathsteed of xoroth

What all do i have complete to get this quest? because Mor’zul Bloodringer does not have the quest for me to get this mount… id really like it to go with my demon warlock. Someone please tell me what quests im suppose to complete to have this quest unlock.


If your talking about the OG Dreadsteed quest from level 60, that is removed from game, however the mount is automatically learned at 60! Check your mount collection by pressing Shift-P, it’s under “Dreadsteed” both of the mounts are auto added to your collections. You can still buy the original items needed, but I beleive to buy them you have to had done the original quest and have the Feat of Strength, now if your speaking about the Legion Class Mounts, that’s a different story that requires multiple questlines and having the Warlock order hall done and the broken shore questline and meta achievements done.

It’s the class hall mount, right? You’ll need to complete the legionfall campaign on broken shore, achiev name is Breaching the Tomb.

thank you so much!

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It’s worth mentioning that any Warlock who has kept the reagents from Classic can still summon the Dreadlord in Dire Maul, and it’s arguably one of the coolest things in game still, since your basically doing Medivh’s ritual but opening a portal to Xoroth, instead of Draenor.