Quests that require running a dungeon

I’m working on the campaign in dragonflight. I got to the 4th level. In order to finish, I must run a dungeon. I do not run dungeons, period. I hate them, always have. I’m not going to run one. I’ve pretty much been content to play. Now it seems I can’t advance without it. Seriously making me wonder if I want to keep playing. What’s the point of playing if I know I will never advance further than this one point.

Just venting, but Blizz could give a workaround.

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Not sure what to tell you, a dungeon quest to cap off a storyline to properly wrap it up and make it make sense has been a regular part of the WoW levelling quest setup since at least Legion. What’s the issue with running a quick N dungeon? The game doesn’t care what difficulty you run these at for the quest so you can just queue for Normal and clear it easy with no issues in like 10-15 mins

If your concern here is difficulty, it’s very much worth noting that the way dungeons in current content are balanced is drastically different to any of the overtuned broken dungeons you may have accidentally queued into while levelling through old content these past few years since the squishes. A Normal Dungeon in Dragonflight is a painless 15 minute cruise, it’s not the scaling disaster that is the untuned levelling dungeons esp the BFA ones

Can’t speak for the OP but I think for most people it is not about difficulty. It is about being trapped in there with 4 other… people. It’s just an awful experience for a lot of us.

That said I don’t remember any dungeon quests in DF that were necessary to progression. Hoodx you must have missed something if you think you are unable to continue without it. If you tell us the name of the quest you are on we can work out what you should be doing next, other than the dungeon.

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At the end of every zone questline in DF, there’s a quest you can pick up to clear that zones dungeon. Rewards a choice between like 4 pieces of that dungeons loot at ilvl that scales with the players level on completion (so if you save them till level 70, you get Level 70 Normal difficulty pieces to choose from iirc). I don’t think these quests were hard required to complete the zone questlines, might’ve just been an optional thing you’d pick up near the end of the questline but I don’t remember for sure

Its a pretty standard thing, been that way for years. The Defias questlines in Westfall, the Naga quests in Kalimdor that cap off with Blackfathom Deeps etc.

I don’t know what else to say my friend; you might just need to grit your teeth and go. If all you’re after is quest chain completion, you’ll only need to do them all once