Quests stuck at Sign a Cartel contract - unable to progress

I have played through all of the Undermine campaign and done loads of side quests. Earlier today I got to the stage where you pick a Cartel - and I picked Steamwheedle. After picking this cartel, my renown weekly quests are still stuck at ‘Sign a Cartel contract for the week’ stage - with no option to do the actual quests. I am unable to pick a different cartel as it had already been picked. I have abandoned quests and picked them up again - nothing works.


Same issue for me on my first character I did the quests on. Did lots of side quests before picking a cartel. I picked Blackwater. Two different quests (“Reduce, Reuse, Resell” and “Many Jobs, Handle it!”) just say “Sign a Cartel Contract for the week”. They both point to the Incontinental Hotel. Doing the quests Jobs or trash piles for them does nothing.

Second character appears to be working normally. Signed a contract with Blackwater. Second character just did the main questline and not any side quests

Having the same problem. I have three quests but all just say to sign a cartel contract. I started with another character first which I think is working but I switched to an alt and got in this state as soon as I entered Undermine.


Same problem since yesterday, no matter what character i log into

Same issue here.

Two hotfixes and a reset and I still am stuck :frowning:

I think that’s how I ended up in this too - I had done campaign, swapped to an alt and it broke things.

Abandon side quests on alts might fix it


This is still an issue for me, anyone else?

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same thing, i’ve put a ticket in and of course the response is look up wow forums and reset interface. i reply these are working and they say to do the same steps again. i’m so frustrated with this companies lack of care for their paying consumers.

I had this problem also, SOLUTION: Whatever toon you used to sign the contract for the week needs to complete the weekly quests first. Then you can abondon and reaquire the weeklys on your alts and the signed contract option will be complete and you can get your chest. Cheers!