Quests are a form of Titan Control

Think about it.

You’re never sent to slay ALL 8foot tall village destroying spiders are you? No, you are only sent to kill enough to ensure balance…to ensure order…

Wake up sheeple!


You ever feel that your life is not your own, that you’re being controlled by an invisible hand?



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Well, if you killed all of the 8 foot village-destroying spiders, then that would be even more orderly. Leaving some of the 8 foot village-destroying spiders alive keeps a balance between order and chaos, because the ones left alive can create further mayhem if things become too orderly.

Besides that… 8-foot-village-destroying spiders can be useful if domesticated. Wiping them out would be a wasteful arachno-genocide!

To put it in the vernacular:

I low key chose the Loyalist side to test the utter gall of the Questgivers. When their game ends through their own machinations, and the ladders are unrung, who shall have the last laugh that echoes through the emptiness of time and space?


To be fair wholly wiping out native species can be devastating to ecological balance. You leave a hole in the food chain where their predators no longer have a food source and their prey no longer has something keeping their population in check.

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What about the heroes of Azeroth? A natural predator of all living things and not so, eating gold?

The player shall never be free, so long as their taskmasters control the distribution of loot.


Think Adventurer, THINK!

How can you be a champion when all you do is what someone else tells you to? Every time you face the same threats every year. Every time they come back, no less diminished than before. Every piece of gear you take from them will be replaced the following year. What will you have left when their skin changes again?!