Questline is bugged trying to unlock Kul Tirans

I’m trying to complete the ‘A Dying World’ quest line amidst the CAMPAIGN that is unlocking kul tirans. My issue is that Magni Bronzebeard is no where to be found and the quest guide helper widget just keeps pointing me to the ground in an empty area. I’ve searched many youtube videos etc and in the quest guides he’s shown standing up on the ground level, which is not where im being directed to. this is blocking me from unlocking kul tirans and would love some assistance on this.


Are you in the proper timeline for Silithus? Do you see a giant sword sticking up out of the ground?

If not, look for the white chat bubble on the map and go speak to Zidormi to switch phases for you.


GREAT tip, ty. I will try that and report back here

Probably need to be lvl 60 as well.

This is correct. Unlocking AR now requires level 60.

Unless people want to wait for 10.1.5, when all requirements will be removed and you’ll just have to have one character that’s level 40 on your account and all AR will automatically be unlocked.


The quest (A Dying World) requires level 10. However, the followup quest (Heart of Azeroth) requires level 40.


Just as an aside as well, you may want to self-report that name of the shaman you’re posting with. It always looks better if you do it yourself before someone else gets you.

I meant to note, I’m doing this on a lvl 70 mage that already has like 50% of the questlines done for unlocking kul tiran.