Questions on dragons

Lots of random things about dragons,
Why do some blue dragons have wings that go back to their tails?
What’s up with those runes on blue dragons and that red dragon?
Why do some dragons have a thing on their tail?
What made the infinite dragon flight greyscale?
What are all the dragon colors and what flights are they a part of?
Why was yesera yellow?
What are those crystal like things on some blue dragons?
And will we ever find out what color the albino dragon is really supposed to be?

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These all basically boil down to aesthetic. It seems like horn growth and patterns , tail spikes, glow, crystals, all are just a matter of how the dragon is born. As far as I know, there’s no real lore reason given behind differences. It’s just how they are, like how some people have red hair and some people have black hair.

There’s a similar answer to the first bit about blue dragons. Probably the same as Nightborne having runes on their skin. Some kind of magical enhancement since they’re the magical dragonflight. Keristrasza’s (the red dragon you’re referring to) runes, however, do serve a specified purpose of subduing her in some disturbing attempt by Malygos to replace the consort he lost to her.

Also sort of aesthetic but the lore implication is that they’re warped by their deviance from their original duties and become the “opposite” of themselves, basically a negative, inverted color palette. We haven’t seen the process of what turns a bronze dragon into an infinite one, though. At least… not yet.

The Titans originally empowered five dragonflights with specific duties in mind. The red flight safeguards life on Azeroth. The green flight oversees the Emerald Dream. The bronze flight watches over the timelines. The blue flight manages magic, such as leylines or powerful artifacts. And the black dragonflight once maintained the earth, though a vast majority of them were corrupted along with Neltharion by the Old Gods to become malevolent servants.

There’s others, too. Little offshoots. The chromatic and twilight dragonflights were the result of experimentation by Deathwing and his children to create superior minions to their Old God masters. This culminated into the formation of the Voidwing flight during N’zoth’s invasions, that seems to be the purest form of Void-corrupted dragons yet.

Other dragonflights created through magical infusion include the Netherwing flight and the Emerald Nightmare dragons. The Netherwing were black dragon eggs Deathwing took to Draenor. When the planet exploded, it infused the eggs with the energies of the Nether and it made them these salamander-like glowing crystal dragons. Emerald Nightmare dragons aren’t necessarily a “named flight” so much as they’re a corrupted group of green dragons that turn black and red, as the Emerald Nightmare turned them from guardians of nature and balance to evil defilers of life. Those under the effects of the Nightmare seem to act like they’re having terrible dreams, and presumably the masters of the Nightmare use it to control them. In other words, they might be having a nightmare where they’re killing bad guys when in fact they are killing their own friends instead.

And as mentioned before, there’s the Infinite flight that seems to have come about based on a belief that they should change time to better suit the world instead of preserve it. We don’t know the beginning to their story, but we know the middle and end at this point, where Nozdormu the Aspect of the bronze flight became Murozond, an Infinite dragon who created the End Time, a terrible alternate timeline place that is supposedly “better than what’s really in store for us”.

There are some elemental flights, like the stone drakes in Deepholm and the wind drakes in Uldum. They seem a little more feral than the other flights. Then the last flight of dragons I can think of are the storm drakes in Stormheim. Their origins are also vague but they seem more intelligent than other elemental dragons and have some kind of Titan-inspired destiny, as keepers of the trials found in the zone.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this. Ysera has come in green and red forms. Her green form is a little light, so I could see how you might mistake it for a yellow color. She turned red when Xavius the satyr defiled a sacred relic called the Tear of Elune and used it to corrupt her into becoming a nightmare dragon.

Sometimes the greatest answer to unsolvable mysteries comes from within your own imagination :slight_smile: What do you think it was really supposed to be?


Corn grows on dragon tails, that much for sure.

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She was yellow as a proto-drake
Alexstrasza was orange
And Neltharion was charcoal
The main question was what’s with the color change and why are there no yellow, orange or charcoal dragons? And if there are, why aren’t we shown any?

Because the Titans dislike orange, yellow, and and charcoal as colors I guess.

I think the devs at the time were also following the patterns of D&D dragons as well:

Note the lack of any of the colors mentioned, but for sure a green, black, and bronze.