Questions on BG's ilvl

New player here. When I did BG, I noticed there is a huge variation of players HP at 120, ranging from ~ 70K up to 900K. Why is it OK to put players with dramatic ilvl difference together? I’m wondering, is there any scaling involved in BG to make it more skill based rather than items based? If not, what’s the difference compared to putting 120 lvl player with 100 lvl players?

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The issue comes from not having a gearing system like we had in MoP/WoD. It used to be, if you capped conquest every week, you’d eventually have a full set of PvP gear. It made everyone on an equal ilvl for the season, didn’t need rating or anything to get it. It was a great system.

Then we had templates in Legion, which made gear pretty much irrelevant. People didn’t like the little control they had over their stats, and then complained. Now we have the travesty that is BfA gearing, where to get the best gear you have to PvE or be 2400+. It’s a garbage system, and hopefully Shadowlands brings back the equality we had in WoD and MoP.

Sucks, and I feel for you. I miss having gear equalized in some form. Hopefully we go back to a WoD style of gearing, so BGs and PvP in general will be a bit more fair and fun.


Yes. That sounds way nicer. Now to enjoy PvP content such as arena or BG’s, I have to grind for gear in PvE a lot. Otherwise a new 120 player will face ~10 times higher HP players in BG’s or arena just because they are both 120. Well, they’re not if taking into account of ilvl. A high ilvl player kill a undergeared 120 in BG or arena is just like 120 ganks lowbies. I feel the whole pvp is just somehow broken and this makes me sad.

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There’s definitely scaling and it doesn’t take long to get to a decent ilvl.

jugga gives the same answer everytime in reality a new player often face people 100 ilvls higher. the problem is you need to pve to pvp. you are right though you can get to 440 pretty quick its just getting there thats painful


Yes. That’s my argument. The game would force a player to do PvE in order to enjoy PvP. It is not friendly for people only wants to play pvp. In my opnion, there should be a way to gear up fast through PvP, just like PvE. So people can choose to play different aspects of the game.


Eh some world quests and capping CP isn’t all that painful.

It is kinda painful if the OP is starting from 0/week 1, he’s looking at a few months before he gets a “full” set of 460 conquest gear.

5000+ conquest points just to unlock the first 460 piece :grimacing:


They are 442 already, won’t be that bad. Plus being rogue has its advantages.

Also @OP, try to look for some rated BGs (even yolos) You will fly through the CP system to the 460 gear (150 for 1st win of the day, 100 for each win after and some for close losses) And you get better gear in your chest if you get to certain ratings. Yolo RBGs are actually more fun than randoms.

Yes, 442 is fine for random bgs, I’m just sayin

Personally I wouldn’t bother with trying to “catch up” on conquest rewards at this point, would just take too much time for a new bg player (if I were in his shoes).

Just realized it’s actually 5500 conquest points to unlock the first 460 piece… 5000 to get past all the 445 stuff, 500 to unlock the first 460 item :grimacing:

I mean yea in the past was a lot of CP to catch up on as well. Happens when you start late in the season. At least now there’s no penalty if you miss a week/weeks.

Hang in there OP. I’m ilvl 422 and still haven’t gotten the first 440 weapon. We’ve got a terrible PvP system right now. My best advice (not that anyone should take it from me) is to focus on the secondary stats you’re looking for, and once you have them spam RBGs/arenas and only take the ilvl upgrades with the secondaries you need.

There is/was scaling and it worked reasonably well in early BfA but the ilvl differences have gotten so far out of hand that low ilvl people just explode now.

This adds to the realism of Battle.
The Player makes the decision to play either side of this war.

I’m not talking about myself. I’m a mediocre yet casual player and I’m happy with where I am. But I saw players with huge ilvl variation in pvp. It’s like end-game 120 ganking 120 lowbies. IMO

thats true now.

now we have scaling, which works like templates for distributing power difference based on ilvl, but keeps it within reason. this is not bad, in fact the only way to make it better is to scale everyone to the same ilvl in pvp like korraks.

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And it’s not easy for people who wants to PvP has to grind through PvE first to gear up (no matter how easy or hard it is because it’s subjective). There should be ways to gear up through PvP only or just a better and more even scaling system.

Scaling is good and you can gear up through PvP, just takes a bit longer.

In wod a newly leveled player could earn honor to buy honor gear, which while not as good as conquest gear, made it possible for them to start playing. I’m not sure about mop pvp, because I started in wod.


The 445 gear you get is like the honor level gear.

It’s not a physical pain. It more of a mental pain. Kind of like seeing you friend’s 300 lb dad in a speedo.