Questions about WoW Performance During Event

This isn’t a complaint post im just trying to get some perspective.

I managed to do a boss fight in the Barrens and my frame rate dropped down to i assume between 10 to 20 FPS, i also got DCed at a certain point.

Normally in Open World and 5 mans im around 60 FPS, i was flying around Broken Isles later working on a Class Order quest getting 75FPS.

Is this Open World event telling me my machine might not be able to handle DF or Raiding, or is WoW just poorly optimized for Open World zergs?

My PC Stats are
Ryzen 3 2200
Radeon 570 4g VRam
8g Ram
Solid State HD

Little bit of both.

Your system is on the lower end. But open world events at prime time will tank your fps.

10850k + 3080ti and I get about 40-50fps.
I did the events early morning and was sustaining 60+ fps

The best answer depends on raid size and setting. If youre primarily a 10 man type raider you’ll still be alright. LFR is hard to measure since not everyone has to carry their weight

i would knock down the graphic setting to 1 before doing anything open worldy