Botting is consistently bad, has been for 15 years - though I would argue it is worse now than I recall it being in vanilla or original tbc. The boost will empower the bots and gold sellers but that is something most server will have to live with.
If we get lucky, we will have some fresh non-boosted servers allotted for us similar to how RP servers were spun up to meet the demand of the rp community. Maybe a bit of a pipe dream but here’s hoping.
Are there going to be any new features and updates that were added later on?
There are ‘some changes’ but they are small and mostly sensible in my opinion (but opinions differ greatly).
Is the botting in classic wow pretty bad? I’ve heard stories and worry about it impacting my gameplay.
Botting has been bad in classic vanilla. This will probably continue in classic burning crusade. The challenge is to find a group of players who don’t want to support gold selling and play the game as intended. This is usually possible - in which case bots can be ignored except for their impact on the economy.
Is there LFG, Bnet friends?
Bnet friends - yes.
There is a realm based lfg tool - but no cross realm tools like lfd.
Are realms instanced or layered whatever you want to call it (where there are multiple servers in one area, or multiple areas on one realm)
One of the changes has been to implement layering when the servers are busy (eg new patches, tbc launch month). As I understand it the layers are within a realm - not multiple servers.
What major changes or features I haven’t asked are there to TBC when compared to the original BC?
There is a recent blue post outlining the changes they have made.
This is speculation and conjecture. There are many posts on the forums that offer counterarguments to this, as there is financial evidence that supports against getting a boost as a far more profitable option.
The point is, Bots are bad in classic right now and it has no boosts, the problem is not going to get any worse or change in TBC Classic because of the boosts. They will still be there and in the same numbers, so it is a correlation not causation misinterpretation of the data.
It is not speculation. But I will grant that it is conjecture.
Allow me to elaborate since you clearly prefer to argue semantics rather than stay on topic.
It is not speculation. It is fact. A boost empowers bots in the same way that it would empower any other member of the playerbase - whether they accept the boosts or not.
^ Feel free to assume this post is for you as well.
Neither the word “speculation” nor the word “fact” remotely mean what you think they mean. Educate yourself before wasting our time on the forums. None of us have the patience to teach you just so you can keep up with basic discussion.
There is a boost offered. Fact.
Boost is; in fact, a service that empowers one character per account - whether taken or refused.
Take your feebleminded arguments over semantics that add zero value to the topic of the thread elsewhere, or at least stop trying to hijack the thread by dredging up useless arguments.
Either way, have a great day.
Any more baseless or senseless replies will be seen as trolling. It is up to you to ascertain what is baseless or what may be considered senseless.
Hope you have a good one! Farewell.
They have no plans to do this and have announced as such. Even if they did do this, there would not be a noticable difference in botting activity (bots level VERY fast, even without the boost).
All cool here man. By all means, continue to ask your questions. Just know that there are individuals that get VERY bent out of shape on the topic of boosts. I say, if it helps you and you are new, use one if you want to. Does not impact my enjoyment of the game and if it gets new players in, then it has done its job!
there exists a sensible argument regarding fresh no boosts/no transfer servers, theoretically not being a magnet for bots:
people who want to start at level 1 with no boosts, dont want to be boosted by blizz or mage/pally bots, so who’s gonna do business with that aspect of the bot/boosting army on a no boosts server?
the bots cant farm and transfer off with their goods because no transfers. not a very lucrative scenario for bots.
people who want to start at level 1 with no boosts, dont want to gdkp via mage/pally bots, so who’s gonna do business with that aspect of the bot/boosting army?
None of those reasons are true. Plenty will want boosts. Bots don’t need to transfer from other servers, they will farm it there.
After 3 months it’ll be just another regular server. But bots won’t need more than 2 weeks to set up.
Seriously, you’re trying to argue that on servers WITHOUT a paid boost, there will be less demand for aoe grind level boosting? As in the kind of boosting that still would work?
who? theyve joined a server specifically because its no boosts. why start over at 1 if you want to be boosted to 58? just stay where ya are then … lol
uh yeah i am 60, but i wanna start at 1 on a no boost server so i can boost to 60.
but there will be new servers for that, and they will let ya buy the boost and transfer. you can transfer a level 58 char to a new server.
i mean i can see guildies helping each other level, or a passing stranger offering free run, but sounds like most on fresh will discourage paid runs because they dont want bots