I’m an affliction warlock level 80 and have enjoyed the delves and the gear progression system they have provided. As it stands now, I can do level 10 with a few deaths. I tried 11 and it crushed me once I got past the first group of mobs.
Because I can’t do tier 11 delves, I can only get the last currency that only drops from delve maps which have a very low rate of dropping and drop 3 units of currency and you need 15 to upgrade a piece.
I just read blizzard is going to make delves harder. Since I can’t do an 11 tier delve now and can’t improve my gear so I stand a chance to do tier 11 unless can upgrade my iLVL, I will be stuck at 10 for years with the rate delve maps drop.
Why make delves harder? I’m already at my limit. I am not requesting making them easier, but if you make them harder so I can’t do tier 10 anymore, that will kill the only fun I have in gear progression. I can’t do groups because of my frequent need to leave the computer for various reasons. Since I’m solo, there’s no one to complain and that’s great.
Hopefully when they say make delves harder, perhaps that means the earlier ones. Time will tell. I don’t mind a challenge, but I don’t want a wall I can never clear.
They aren’t making them harder. That is a misunderstanding. They are changing them from S1 difficulty to S2 difficulty to match the change in rewards, just like dungeons and raids change in difficulty between seasons.
A S2 t8 at 639 will feel the same as a S1 t8 at 600. They are actually making t9-11 relatively easier in S2. T11s will be tuned for 658 gear (Hero 4). In S1, T11s were tuned for 639 (Myth 6).
you can do 8 level 1 delves for the vault, then take the tokens and buy 3 of the Celebratory Pack of Runed Harbinger Crests. which will give you 45 Runed Harbinger Crests, that can be converted into 15 GILDED CRESTS for one upgrade per week.
As Forumcat mentioned, you may wish to post there, or in GD, if you have concerns as to what the next patch brings.
It’s sounding like they’re making it a more gradual difficulty curve. As it is, it’s mostly baby steps up until T8, and then T9 and beyond is a huge spike up where even the slightest misstep can prove fatal. It’s such a ramp up that outside of achievement hunters and those who enjoy the challenge it’s not worth doing.
I haven’t done all the T11s but I also don’t know if I really want to. Maybe I’ll knock that out before S2 hits, but as it stands I don’t think they’re going to be flat out harder, just less spiky in terms of difficulty.
Simply because the game doesn’t revolve around your skill level. Not everyone is meant to reach the top difficulty. These difficulty levels exists so everyone has their “home”. If 11s are too hard then run lower Delves or get better.