Questions about Faerin Lothar's arm

Two things. First, funny how you and others were eagerly ganging up on me earlier in this thread, assuming the worst, saying a bunch of bull about me… but now other people have joined the discussion and expressed similar ideas to mine, you play nice. Second, good for you working to overcome a TBI and beating the odds. Credit where credit is due and Jesus said to love even our enemies (I wouldn’t say we’re that bad despite some heated discussions).

Hear hear!

When people build their entire identity around that or think others should, it can lead them to get aggressive when that’s challenged. Look at the garbage some of them said about me earlier in this thread.

Your comment is still a crappy comment Thad. I’m just relaying my own struggles.

And thanks, for what it’s worth. Things will always be hard, but I adapted like most people going through similar things

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You’re welcome, if you really mean it. The inconsistent treatment makes it hard to trust.

Looks like you underestimated my position and who else shares it; I notice you aren’t giving others the same nonsense you give me when they say similar things.

Well, I did edit the not playing nice out, was a bit much. Otherwise? Why would I give anyone else crap? Nobody else is offended by Faerin owning her disability and wanting the blacksmith to use their skills to help others instead who need it more

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I also find it disturbing, just like Tenebrae, when people make their disability their entire identity and think it’s wrong or discriminatory to try to fix things or want to fix things. You didn’t give him grief for that view, are you or someone else going to do that to me now?

Why would I give him grief for hating his disability and wishing he could be rid of it? Like what in the nine hells is wrong with you dude?

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That’s not what I was saying. Read our comments carefully; we both said we find it disturbing for a person to build their entire identity around a disability. I just wanted to make my position clear after you and several others assumed the worst about me and piled a few false accusations on top of that. Why should I not assume the worst about you when you do that about me so readily?

I want to bury the hatchet, but I have a hard time trusting you given our history (and today’s little fracas reinforced that).

Faerin is used to using one arm since childhood and doesn’t want to have to relearn everything all over again. That isn’t her making her disablity her entire identity. It’s her moving past it and doing what she can with she was dealt with.

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While I see she’s not making it her whole identity, I stated what I had problems with and why - and it’s not what you or the others claimed. I don’t need or want to repeat myself, which would also probably lead to another round of false accusations. If you can’t see that, I think it best we just agree to disagree and move on unless we can keep the discussion to in-game content only.

For the best. We’re never going to see eye to eye

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No, I simply saw the dialogue you were referring to. I don’t endorse a single thing you said, especially since, given a quick glance at how this thread has gone, you’re still trying to delegitimize Faerin choice for a multitude of reasons.

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Then you ought not have equated fixing one’s disability with said one throwing away everything that they are. To say that, to believe it, is to hold that a disabled person is entirely their disability, when in reality it’s merely a facet of that whole marvelous person.

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Poor choice of wording on my part. But I get what you mean. I was just trying to convey that some people don’t like seeing disabled people and want to fix them, when not every disabled person wants to be fixed. But I understand those who wish they could be rid of their disability depending on what they’re struggling with :dracthyr_nod:

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