Question: What disabled the arbiter?

We are about to be a year into the expansion and we still have literally zero clue what set in motion the biggest plot device of the Shadowlands expansion.

Please tell me we will learn about this in 9.2. It’s the biggest lore question I have had about the expansion.

EDIT: Thank you to the fewcondescending people who said basically said I was inept for not knowing it was obviously Denathrius and that I should have paid better attention. Several months later and we know it was big daddy Argus.

Maybe yall should have paid better attention :wink:


I don’t know the lore but I thought they just didn’t have anybody to judge? So they’re not permanently inactive but they aren’t doing anything?

It’s generally believed to have been Argus, but nothing concrete.


Likely the victory gone unseen, that was said by Il’gynoth. Aka the death of Argus.


I’m still waiting to hear about what we’re going to do with the giant sword sticking out of the ground.


Given the way things go…

Absolutely nothing. It will still be stuck there 2 expansions from now.

Just like Darkshore will still be a mess. Even though cough lore says Alliance won the zone. lol


Yeah, that is my theory as well, but I guess I just don’t understand how he got there because Titans don’t go to the Shadowlands supposedly. Maybe the sword sent him there? Idk

I’m embarrassed to say that I did. I just had a really bad Taco one night…


I guess I am not on that we. Because if you read quest text you know. IF you watch the cinematics, you know. If you talk to NPCs, you know.

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Resolutions to problems never really involve a 100% restoration of what was damaged. It’s been de-activated and just serves as a monument landmark now.

The Arbiter was dissolved during the Sanctum of Domination raid cutscene. Canonically, she gone.

It was Denathrius, all signs pointed to him. The bolt that struck her was venthyr red anima. He has the power to damage her, the circumstances to be able to attack her, and the motive being on the Jailer’s side. The covenants also all agreed in a meeting he was the one who caused the anima drought.

I think the issue is since the game didn’t explicitly say “Denathrius shot the Arbiter” there’s still some confusion. But that was pretty much the verdict and the story has moved on. There’s no other viable suspects.

There’s no way it can be Argus. Titan souls don’t even go to the SL in the first place and the Arbiter we know broke shortly after the Emerald Nightmare raid. The Jailer was also moving pieces (Sylvanas becoming Warchief) into position before it happened. So it was an intentional attack, not an accident.


Huh? It has never been stated who broke the arbiter. Yeah, I know. A funky red soul came down and made her stop working. That’s not what I am asking. I am asking who that soul was.


A strong warrior hit him hard with hamstring.


I guess it could be possible, but how did he get to the Jailer’s platform to do this?

I could’ve sworn that they said Titans have nothing to do with the Shadowlands and do not go there when they die…


I saw a theory based of the fact that Zovaal appears to be standing in front of a big Azerite beam in the developer update. It said that maybe Zereth Mortis is actually in Azeorth and the sword that stabbed Azeroth might have had Argus’ soul infused in it. If done right, it could be pretty interesting. Especially because Zovaal kept saying he was going for the soul of the world. Maybe he is there in 9.2.

The magic bolt came from a distance, he wasn’t physically there. He probably just found a long range position and fired away. Secrecy was important, no one was supposed to know who did it. The Eternals can freely travel around the SL, they’re not restricted to anything.


Perhaps. Maybe not. Doesn’t seem to have anything to do with what happened to the Arbiter though.

Yeah, no clue lol. Idk, I feel like Denathrius would be such a weird choice for it too. I always thought it was a someone who should not have arrived there that did.