Question to Blizzard, are rotation addons such as Hekili ok to use or can you get banned for using them?

My understanding is that the difference between what is OK and what is NOT OK is basically “does the addon automate gameplay”. In the case of Hekili, it does not, it just recommends what ability to use next and the player still has to push the buttons themselves. I am asking this before I download the addon though because i’ve seen people say you can get banned for using rotation bots. Again, I think the difference between a rotation HELPER and a rotation BOT is that the helper does not use abilities for you and the bot plays the game for you. Wondering if I can get some clarification from an actual blizz employee on this.

Id still be weary. Doesnt sound alt different from heal bot but its always better to err on the side of caution. Blizzard will always break a addon if it breaks there rules.

Hekili is perfectly safe to use. You are correct, it does not actually cause any action to take place, it just shows you what’s off cooldown and what “should” but pressed next in your rotation. If the add-on actually caused your rotation to occur then that would indeed be against the TOS.

Edit; it is unlikely you will get an official yes or no. They tend to not give such clear cut answers. The minute they do the add-on could change and fully automate the rotation. At that point someone would scounge up the blue post stating that it was okay to use.

Just follow your guidelines you listed above and you will be fine. Just don’t download or install anything that goes against one button = one action.


Perfectly fine to use. They break addons that do things they don’t like (or send cease and desist letters) they don’t punish players for using them.

its fine. connro is another one that does the same thing. It is a rotation “helper” Its been around for years. It just highlights the button that it thinks you should do next. they are good for beginning but in a boss fight it will be come more nuanced on when to use your cooldowns based on that fight.

Are you trying to say heal bot is bad? its been around since like vanilla and perfectly fine. the only thing bottin with healbot is bot in the name. (For the record I have never like healbot)

I have a friend who was banned for using auctioneer in classic because he was “botting” so that’s not entirely true.

It wasn’t using Auctioneer that got him banned. I don’t know your friend, so I’m not going to speculate on what they were doing, but it wasn’t the addon.