Question regarding mount(s):

Hi everyone!

Question regarding mounts… specifically mount options for Horde players.

Is there a Horse type mount that isn’t too difficult to get for Horde players?

Thanks in advance!

I would say this one is one of the more easier ones to get

It has roughly a 5% chance to drop from a NPC called Knight-Captain Aldrin. If you have multiple 120 toons you stand a good chance on getting it.

Maybe you can still get the Hearthsteed? Every other horse mount I can think of for Horde requires either a lot of PvP (the prestigious Bronze/Ivory Coursers), are low % drops from bosses (the Karazhan horses and Invincible), is only available during WotLK Timewalking for 5000 badges (the Ironbound Wraithcharger), or requires you to finish the BFA war campaign on both factions (Bloodflank Charger).

If you already play alliance the war campaign one is probably the easiest and looks the best imho. Otherwise you are stuck with like 1% droprate ones.

Thank you, Jarbek.

Can a player travel to that zone, or only during the BFA war events (not sure the exact name for the mode). War Fronts?

Any 120 can fly there (I’m not sure if lower level players are phased into the old version of Arathi or not), but you can only loot the rare once per character Warfront cycle.

Thanks, Wiggly.

I’ll keep working on the Horde War Campaign in the meantime!

I would just buy one off the AH…The wolf mount was the first one I bought and it cost next to nothing. Edit: did not see you were after a horse type mount.

You can travel and kill that NPC whenever you want BUT once you loot it you will not be able to loot it again till the Horde gain control of the Highlands again.

Thanks! Will try - was just wondering what options there are out there.

Also Lil’ Donkey from Arathi Highlands Warfront - I know he isn’t a HORSE horse, he’s a donkey, he still is a proud one to obtain when you hit 120 and go out there.


Yeah, if you’ve already done it on Alliance, that would be your easiest option. Or if you haven’t, it’s one of the guaranteed things you can work towards if you want to level an Alliance character at some point.

Oh. Thanks. I’ll try to look it up this evening and give it a shot.

Hope that he’s not too difficult to find.

It also has “bonuses” attached that it will inherently take care off most AR requirements if you wanted to ever make one of those races.

Thanks! I was able to finish the War Campaign on Alliance. Trying to see the other side of the story as Horde at the present.

ALSO - if you level both a Horde and Alliance character to 120 you get these - wolf on Alliance, Horde on Horde -

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Thanks, Nyri! That looks like what Wiggly might be referencing.

Stuff to look forward to - thanks everyone!!!

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Oops - apologies to Wiggly then - my browser is being terribly laggy.

No worries! Thanks for the descriptive link!

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waves erratically