Question - Pandaren Roleplay?

Hi forums, I was just curious about the state of Pandaren RP on WrA. Are there any guilds still active? What niches are/aren’t filled? Thanks in advance.

A lot of us from Steelpaw decided to take a break from WoW(myself included) until 9.1. Try other games together like FF14, Overwatch nights, etc. But we’re still “around” in a community sense.

But as far as other guilds I am not aware. I occasionally see people from Pandaren Empire and that’s about it. I’d love for a resurgence of Pandaren players and community discords.

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So would I! Are you still accepting new members? I read your forum post but it seemed like it hadn’t been updated in a while :frowning:

We technically are still recruiting new members, I think. I can’t quite say we’re as diligent about it as before, what with how few are consistently online; to which I am also at fault as I spend more time on characters.

On the subject of Pandaren rp in general, I’ve somewhat consistently spotted some active Pandaren players in Org but that’s about it. I kinda doubt there’s much of a significant group that’s active and dominantly Pandaren anymore but I could be wrong.

Yeah, pandas are cool

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You’ll find plenty of Pandaren roleplaying these days. Pandaren guilds? Not so much. But if you hang around in the Valley of Honor for a bit, you’re sure to find some folks! I wish more folks would hang around in Dawn’s Blossom. I try and drop in there from time to time, hoping it’ll catch on as a hotspot. :laughing:

Sadly I don’t see many pandaren themed guilds in general. And ones that focus on pandaren lore and culture is even smaller. There use to be a pandaren speaking only meet up in Jade Forest for awhile, perhaps someone could start scheduling pandaren socials that focus on the culture and aspects of pandaren rp.

That would be nice. Do you know of anyone personally would be interested in this kind of thing? Making a guild in the current environment seems like a difficult task, but if there was enough interest for at least a small reliable community I don’t see why it couldn’t be done.

I see this topic come up once in awhile, I’d imagine there is some interest. I would start small, and seek out forming just a small goal if thats what you want. Especially since you said current times are difficult.
But definately something I think you could persue at some point. Even if you just want to do a pandaren meet up could be fun to maybe get your toes in the water. Maybe some sort of holiday or event to center it around. You could figure out when the next wanderers festival is and do something then, or maybe see if there is a time that can be lined up with their freedom from the mogu to celebrate it. Or maybe make an event centered around when the last wing of Throne of Thunder came out, and use that as like a ‘Defeat of Lei-Shen’ celebration with remembering their time under mogu oppression and celebrating pandaren life!

But I’m always a bit of an idea person lol…I hope you find what you’re looking for!!! And I wish you luck on what ever you do.

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Bit late to find this, but The Pandaren Empire is still here and recruiting for both factions and community membership!

Better late than never! Tell me about your guild! I’m almost exclusively horde though, so no alliance adventures for me.

Of course, I understand! We primarily act in neutrality to the events that go on around Pandaria and Azeroth involving the Horde and Alliance, however we still have a lot of members that have allegiances to one or the other. I will drop a link to our Guilds forum post for you to take a look at frien!