Question for you LFG and RDF People

Ok, so, the community is torn between the two… So how about this for an idea…?

We have both? Lets have the NEW LFG (We already have LFG so I am just going to start calling it NEW LFG), for the first phase or two, and then they can roll out RDF along side NEW LFG?

I am TOTALLY OK with a wait for RDF as in OG WotLK, it didnt come out until ICC? Let everyone have their fun with the NEW LFG and then give us RDF later down the line so us with alts can play a little bit of catch up?


It’s not torn. It’s been shown over & over that the majority wants RDF.

Keep in mind, the ONLY reason it came out at the exact mid point of the xpac, is simply because Devs said it wasn’t ready on time.

Merc Mode for PvP didn’t come out until Mists of Pandaria…and we’ve had it since TBC P1.

Current iteration of LFG tool is garbage. I’ve explained the drawbacks/downsides to it a number of times. It’s just a bad system. BulletinBoard addon is superior in practically every element.

INB4 - “proof”

Here it is is.

2 biggest ones are by a big youtuber/content creator with 28k votes and 2nd biggest one is by WOWLOGS with 26k votes.


I mean, I would GLADLY take RDF over the tool they introduced. I mean, if there are technical difficulties getting it to work with classic, fine, get it fixed and pushed out at a later date.


If by torn you mean like 85/15 split in favor of having it lol


No. There are no technical difficulties. Classic runs on the same core as Retail.
May not be an exact copy-paste options, but something very similar.

Then by all means, bring on the RDF. If I could get that and they left the LFG tool already in the game alone, like it was back then, couldnt be happier because people DONT need to use RDF if they dont like it.


It really hasnt. And the polls you linked below are all easily manipulated because they are open vote polls that is very easy to vote multiple times on, or even set up a bot to vote thosands of times on.

Your “evidence” wouldnt hold up in any serious capacity as its VERY easy for such polls to be manipulated. Let alone the fact that people who are upset about the no rdf are more likely to search for these polls and vote than people content with it.

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Classic Dev team is weird. IDK what they smoke, but I want some.

They have this vision. Vision that seems to align with about 20% of their playerbase.

Here is a quick quote from another user I remembered.

^Brian did use this example onto WHY RDF Is bad. They didn’t have a tank and they exchanged 1-2 sentences if warrior can tank and he claims such communication is impossible with RDF… Like, what? RDF mutes people?

cuz by the time I’m finally done putting together a group, Im already agitated and I surely as heck don’t wanna be talking. RDF literally solves this problem. You just queue. Do your thing. Play the game, instead of sniping whispers.


Who is to say that 1000’s of bots didn’t vote “NO”, so in reality 90%+ actually want RDF.
It can go both ways.

wowlogs you need to be registered to vote. The odds of having multiple gmails is higher than 100’s of wowlogs accounts.

Also, I’m sorry, but if you don’t accept 2 polls with sub 30k replies, then NO STATISTIC IN THE WORLD would satisfy you.

Google what’s a good sample size for studies.
Here is one.,%2C%2010%25%20would%20be%2020%2C000.


And thats the problem.

Those polls are not reliable data.

Im not claiming a majority for or agaist rdf. Blizzard has claimed the majority are agaist it, for their target audience for classic, but i dont know what data they are using for that nor do i have access to it. So i cant confirm it.

My point is, the data provided for “proving” the majority with those polls is not reliable data.

Take it with a pinch of salt. Throw in 7% margin of error. Sure.
You cannot disregard a sample of 10% of the entire playerbase of wowclassic and call it absolute trash.

It is, quite literally, impossible to collect 100% response rate.
It’s a sample of the population. This is how samples & statistics work.


Going to address this specifically.

You do realize the gold farmers do this right? With bot programs. To make their new wow accounts when the old ones get banned. It makes an email address, registers it to wow, and goes from there.

Having a bot make thosands of accounts is not that hard once the bot program is set up.

I can when there is a decent chance someone voted many times instead of once.

If you don’t agree with the numbers provided, provide your own.
Simple as that.

Nothing will make you happy.
Guess what, even Blizzard cannot collect accurate data. I can have 2 accounts. You can have 5 accounts.

So, if you have a good alternative on how to collect data on this matter, other than what has already been done. Please, be my guest.

As a cherry on top, every big RDF-related thread, where are the 2 top comments - one for RDF and one against RDF, the ratio of likes on those posts is usually about 1:10. (10 being FOR rdf.) Sure, some people may vote multiple times. Or not.


People don’t generally believe polls that don’t suit their agenda.


Sounds familiar

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I dont have to. Blizzard has their data. Blizzard has made the decision not to have rdf. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone on these forums, blizzards view on it is all that matters and i agree with them on this decision.

The point i am making is your provided “data” has some glaring flaws with it.

Its no secret that some people have multiple accounts on these forums and abuse that fact in multiple ways. Its also a known fact that someone upset about something is more likely to try and make their voice heard through complaints and seeking out a place to complain than people who are content or happy with how things are. To give a reference people are much more likely to ask to speak to a manager because of a complaint about something than they are to compliment the product/service, exc.

Where’s your data proving that :slight_smile:

He has more data proving the community wants something, and you have 0 data proving that the community doesn’t. You blindly follow Blizzard like a dog because you can’t provide anything. Literally no one here is 12 years old, even if some act like it. People have been complaining for years in mass, Blizzard ignores it until recently when they realized it’s ruining the money they make.


and it’s a stupid a$$ decision.

I bet you 100 bucks, later, after the damage is done & community is pissed, they will come back and say, “wE hEaR tHe coMmUnItY” and slap it on later.

Then they wonder why did wow drop from 10m peak down to under a mil.
Same crap is happening on retail too.


The worst part is that this is the most true thing on the forums lmfao