Question for World PvP guilds: Cross Faction Guilds

What happens if Cross Server Guilds become a thing? Will you be allowing members of the opposite faction to join?

For sake of argument, we’ll say that as long as cross faction recruits are in guild groups, they get a “Collaborator flag” and are considered members of your faction. Obviously if Blizzard doesn’t relax certain aspects of the Open World, there’s a big limit to how viable Cross Faction guilds will be in this aspect.

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I don’t think that is in the works. I did hear however that they were going to have a guild be able to have members of both Horde AND Alliance. Which in turn begs the question how will that affect PvP exactly.

An interesting concept to be sure but it would defeat the idea of faction war upon which the game is based. Maybe as traitors/sympathizers?

I’ve wonderred the same thing when I heard about it. To me it just doesn’t make sense, although the end of Shadowlands is supposed to be new era. Especially with the Horde and Alliance leaders were fighting together and not apart.

Everything is laid out quite simply (the direction Blizzard wants to take the game , etc.) in an interview with Ion Hazzikostas from early this year. Just search it.

The Us vs Them mentality we’ve all shared at some point is never how it’s been anyway. Alliance and Horde have been fighting the same battle and defending Azeroth together for years now.

It is what it is.



I think wow players are ready for this.
I am not the oldest wow player so I never really got into the whole faction pride. Like Bhaldur said above I have been fighting besides the opposite faction since I started playing this game.
Every important story moment I have a opposing faction leader helping me out personally. (mostly)

I share the opinion that Us vs Them is rather stupid for the -individual player-
I could handle seeing faction conflicts in the story, why wouldnt there be? But the idea that I cant be a alliance player who makes friends with a orc, and works or becomes friends with them in my adventuring is just silly. Guilds should have their own rules.

Stop the war Blizz! xD
Give us cross faction guild YES!!!

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I like the “collaborator flag” option.

If we look at ourselves as bands of adventurers, and not soldiers in the service of our faction leaders, it’s easy to imagine a Night Elf and a Tauren and a Dwarf questing together when they are attacked by an Orc, Dark Iron, and Human who are after the same mobs. A fight breaks out. Would you fight along faction lines or fight to protect your friends? It seems pretty reasonable that a “collaborator” or “ally” flag of some kind makes sense.

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Just make the Collaborator Flag, attackable by both factions and I’m sure everyone will be happy with it.

Would definitely fight to protect friends. Being forced to pledge my allegiance to a single faction from the very start of character creation kinda sucks.


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