Question for the Sethrak people

Alright, so first of all. Add Void Elf Paladins Blizz.

Second, Hey people asking for Sethrak. Do these dragon bois (and gurls) scratch your scaly itch? (Scaley? Scalie? Scaly?) or do you still want cobra people?

I’m just curious. Seems like the dragon form is pretty … They’ve got scales.

Also the Dragon form needs a loincloth or pants or something. Really weird looking.

light and shadow do not mix so this will never happen

any current dragon now that went in their dragon forms don’t, why is this a problem now?

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Nah, they’ve probably all got a cloaca.
Basically just a ken doll.

-Confused in Lightforged Draenei Death Knights and Twilight Magic-


well horde got zand troll paladins so i say we get rift blades and nelf paladins .

no these dragonoids are freakin aweful looking.

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Not the same thing. I want a Sethrak named Rasp and a Tortollan named Leonardo.

lore wise when a lightforged draenei dies the light explodes out of them (which is why they have a racial…)

a dead lightforged draenei is just a draenei but with glowy things

freethinkers were always a thing

No. I want snek


I’m not asking for Sethrak, but I support those who want them.

I don’t think the Dracthyr fulfill the same kind of fantasy as the Sethrak. I also feel like there’s a bit more polish to the Sethrak models in game as is, but it’s still very early into DF’s development, so there’s time for the Dracthyr to be improved.

… but they still have the racial ability as if they’re still alive…

Also while casting the light may be painful for the undead users, I just don’t see how a Twilight-Based Paladins shouldn’t be a thing (That’s I kind of view of Void Elf Paladins).

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Draenei dk, lfd dk, draenei spriest, lfd spriest, velf hpriest, Forsaken hpriest all wish to speak with you

because thats lore wise

game mechanics overrule that

That sounds… circumstantial.

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No. Because they can’t be anything except that new stupid class.

dead draenei is an empty husk, lightforged draenei have the light expelled from them when they die, like I said earlier… a lightforged draenei DK is just a fancy dead draenei body with golden tattoos

game mechanics overrule lore otherwise you wouldn’t play as a lightforge draenei priest

again game mechanics wise

lorewise all forsaken priests use dark sinister magic

Yeah, well, they put the High Elf customizations on Void Elves. So. Game Mechanics over-rule lore and they can drop Paladins on em’.

Hmm. My PSA is backfiring. Trying to figure out what scale people think about things.

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No Void Elf paladins, roll horde, and level up. There you go.

I’ve got a Horde Blood Elf Paladin already, so no thanks. I’ve actually got two.

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