Question for the dragon people

For reasons I wasn’t here for almost all of Dragonflight. I just started educating myself on lore I missed.

But my question for all you dragonthing people is how do I defeat you?

My knowledge of killing Dragons involves fighting them in large raid groups tanking from the front and watching out for the tail and also handling their whelps.

But I have having a real hard time fighting these new dragonee-people.

So any tips to help me slay your kin would be most helpful.

They are highly mobile mid-range spellcasters with 2 knock-packs, multiple abilities that can send them 30-40 feet away, multiple abilities that can lock you in place, a two-charge move-and-shoot ability that makes them even faster, and they’re heavily slanted into the Glass Cannon territory so good players will unload all their heavy abilities at the first chance and if you somehow survive, they can still be lethal but there’s a lot of time to get in and pummel them in their study sexy muzzles.

Keep your PvP trinket at the ready to get yourself unstuck, specc into multiple charge/heroic leap talents so you can follow them where-ever they go and burst like its your first time in the club with the poles and you should be fine. If start standing in place trying to take a deep breath, either get a hell of a lot of distance or get in close and pray they’re a keyboard turner.

Evokers were built to slaughter melee, you’re the rock to their paper. Learn to love getting folded like your laundry.

Warriors have a REALLY hard time in general with Evokers, but from my understanding you can really only catch them and CC them when they aren’t flying. Otherwise you burn them down like any other mail user, and just keep spamming hamstring on them.

Most of their powerful abilities require charging, so save stormhammer for that. It’s a pretty important interrupt window.

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A stake through the heart is my go to strategy.

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