Question for Prot Warriors: +dodge vs +defense

I’m a protection warrior tank and have collected a bunch of different gear that has +defense and +dodge. I’m trying to figure out how much of each is optimal.

How do you decide whether to stack more +dodge or more +defense?


Defense is considered better because it’s more consistent and better against raid bosses since the higher defense you have the likelyhood of suffering a crushing blow or crit lessens. Dodge just makes it so you retaliate faster and thus generating more rage so it’s good for threat over raw mitigation from defense. So you just have to figure out which one you value more are you struggling with boss encounters? More def. If not and you’d rather have more chance at rage more dodge

stack whichever ones gives you more total avoidance unless stacking +defense gets you to a total of 440 defense, in which case you’ll be immune to NPC crits
consider less chance to be critted as avoidance, so value 1 defense as .2 avoidance
reducing your chance to take double damage, due to how attack tables work, is sort of like reducing your chance to take damage if said crits have a x2 multiplier, which they do
also block isn’t completely awful

You keep misspelling +hit and +crit… weird…

In all seriousness:

1 Defense = 0.04% Dodge/Miss/Parry/Block

Block isn’t really Avoidance like the other stats are but it helps with Crushing Blows, but for now ignore that part. That means to get the same sheer Avoidance gain from Defense, you’d need 8.333 Defense to match 1% Dodge. So at 9 Defense, you’ve gained a bit more than 1% Dodge gives you in terms of just Avoidance. Add in the extra Block and it trumps it handily.

That being said, Parry > Dodge when you can get it, which makes Defense > Dodge generally. Parry gives you the same no-hit gain as Dodge, but you get Parry-Haste on top of that. Parry-Haste gives you a temporary surge of speed to your swing timer on your next hit, up to 40% (and if I recall correctly, this scales with weapon speed so its there but far less noticeable with fast weapons). Dodge just means you take no damage, Parry means you take no damage and whack the enemy in the face a bit quicker for more Rage.

EDIT: Oh and 1 Defense = 0.04% reduction to get critically hit. That’s not nearly as important right now as it will be later, but that’s the soft-cap people talk about when they discuss being “Defense capped”


awesome, thanks guys.
that helps a lot

Also, defense is better as warrior since avoidance means you dont get hit and therefore no rage from being hit. better to be hit with high defense than not hit an rage starved. a rage starved warrior tank cant hold aggro