Question for forum moderators

I’m doing my part . mp4

You walk into the kitchen to Herne boiling a Troll in a giant stew pot, and trying to convince another to get into a frying pan to be chopped up and stirrfried

I like this extremely logical line of thought.

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Looks at your post count…

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I didn’t follow the whole discussion you were part of, but I saw some talk about account-wide ignoring of users…if that was a tool we had access to, there’d be no need to ‘stalk’ anyone’s alts because you’d know that if you ignored one character, any other characters that user has would also be ignored so you wouldn’t have to sus out whether it was the same person or not.

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alruight im back…

what has happened here?


welcome back lol

#save gus.

Because whenever I hear someone “forced” to do something, I think in my mind someone has control over their hands (or whatever) to click on a function on a piece of hardware or software to do something. Or they’re held at gunpoint.

There is NOTHING stopping a user from simply “disengaging” from convo to avoid a bigger mess or further brain rot.

You could say it’s a personal issue of mine all you want, I really don’t care. I sound like a big idiot **** already.

People talking about secret discords always cracks me up. If they do indeed exist, I’m pretty sure I am enemy number 1. I’m kind of important that way.

Hi Back.

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Ooh this thread is spicy. :popcorn: I didn’t know boomers had so much drama.

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no here’s the big deal peoples.

I really need to gtfo. Lmfao.

Iconic 7000th post.

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Wait. Where you at the secret meeting last week?..ugh…I mean…nothing. I said nothing:

I’ve chuckled at a few comments about boomers before all in good fun. But I always remember that boomers weren’t the generation that grew up eating tide pods.

grit knows what you said.

Nah, they ate the paint chips.


Its not my fault the tide pods look so delicious ok!! :yum:

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