Question for forum moderators

That I can actually agree with. Wish they would make old tier sets and other appearances a bit more high ress as well.

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Yeah, it might PaynĂȘ him for that to be public. He doesn’t appear to like a Trackr, but it was obvious. It didn’t take ElitĂ© skills to work it out.


You know he only posted this thread because he was being ignored in the VTK thread. lol


Shall I get the popcorn ready for the morning?


we got so much theme these days that odd stuff like classic items especially helmets which are unique and havent had an upgrade in 20 years would be welcome

like even upres them with ai if anything

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was wondering who that was.

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I already had some made about 10 minutes before this thread popped up, we can share mine if you’d like

Hmm, what could it be:

A) A shadowy discord cabal reigns over the forums with an iron grip to flag some people they don’t like for no reason whatsoever

B) Some wangrods who constantly act like wangrods get all pikachu faced when their wangrod posts get flagged for wangroddery?


I’m going to incorporate this word into my vocab now thank you


A what now?

I was hoping we’d see higher resolutions of all classic tier sets during the aniversary, and not just tier 2 sets

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imagine if it was tier 3 remakes oh maaaan. that would be sick

I love this word so much.


If you bring the ‘e’ back I’ll give you the password to the shadow cabal discord

Oh, no need, here is the password

Just need the link.

i am not tempted by snakes in the grass fiend

also i dont want to restart my post count over once more. i didnt know that would happen the first time.

things u do for irony

Cuz they alts of the mods.


Shadow Cabal Discord was a honey pot.

The Super Shadow Cabal Discord is where the real action is.


Password is the last 7 digits of π

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That’s a good point. I’ve created a service ticket. We’ll get to the bottom of this.