Question for forum moderators

I gotta go to work but ill see where that goes in a bit

It’s only 7am in Mod Standard Time

Honestly I’m gonna bail out of this thread too. Already saw the useless derailment.

Can one derail a thread that was never on the rails to begin with?


Honestly, I could list 5 of your alts right now and nobody would care. You probably have more alts than that. But those are the ones I could find anyways.

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sure dude

LOL, I knew clicking on this they would have him silenced. Bliz be some fascists…

And it wasn’t because I made them public, was it…?

Yessssssssssss comrade, I too am member of this…shady cabal.

Would you like to see my black robes and unlimited powah? I even have this nifty Death Eater’s mark.

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Who are you??? lol

I’m not so worried about it. Blizzard knows that isn’t true. Would be unfortunate if he led some naive forum user astray but can’t do much about that.


Echo chambers happen when platforms enforce content restrictions on a large scale, limiting the availability of diverse viewpoints for everyone. An account-wide ignore is a personal setting, so it doesn’t impact the forum’s overall content or restrict others’ access to differing opinions. Ignoring someone is an individual choice made to enhance your personal user experience. It’s not an automatic or global setting for everyone. Others are still free to see and engage with diverse opinions if they choose. It doesn’t remove posts but simply allows individuals to curate their interactions. The forums host hundreds if not thousands of posters with varied opinions. Ignoring a single account won’t significantly limit the variety of ideas present, as other users will continue contributing. Diversity of thought persists because the action only affects the person doing the ignoring.


I have no idea. It’s just whatever the 3rd party data scraper website found.

Great. We have tools to stalk people now.

Just what everyone needed.

I just have refresssssssssssssssssshing Mountain Dew, would you like sssssssome? Offers what is clearly Fel-blood with a lime in the cup

Khajit has wares if you have coin energy

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Inducts Khajit into the cabal

So you’re not going to give me up or let me down?

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Ugh. Have a great day everyone.

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Does it matter on the forums or in a videogame?

Ive had people tattle on me before to my gm. Poor lad actually took the discord invite to " show proof"