Question for forum moderators

Was just curious cause I see that thrown around but never a name ya know?


My housemates keep tellign me we’re in that odd part of NE Illinois where sometime systems will just skirt by but can get hit like mack trucks when it does.

Everyone needs a boogeyman

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Dang. On the plus side the crunched up ice did give traction to drive in so it kind of balanced out?

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Blizzard doesn’t like money, they love money.

That sounds like mine only it’s screenshots from the game and random nonsense stuff.

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I guess so

That’s… literally what I just said. But you don’t have a good idea of my alts, thus, if account-wide ignores are abused by Y, being the independent variable, this place will result in a bigger echo chamber.

Do you have a firm grasp how extremely strong how an account-wide ignore can be?

Likely if someone named it, the post would either get removed for either naming, advertising, etc. The last thread I read about the subject in itself was removed.

Yes, it ignores your account so that if I choose to ignore you, I can actually ignore you, and you can’t skirt around it.

You’re still not articulating the problem very well.


It’s painfully obvious that some people don’t know what the term “echo chamber” means.


I mean… maybe? Idk about discords although i guess it would be a form of advertising with a discord name… idk

Anyway was just curious lol

That’s not the only thing it’ll do. It’s an illusionary ban hammer that will have a noticeable aftereffect. One aftereffect being a bigger echo chamber.

Which is perhaps why we don’t see account-wide ignore features today.

An echo chamber can really only exist if your community gates opinions. Usually that involves insta-banning people who “wrong think” like what happens in subreddits, twitter, facebook etc. Some places pre-ban people based on your association in other forums. Literally guilt by association. That doesn’t really happen here since here you need to manually ignore each person (or account if we could). You’d have to ignore quite a few people manually before you end up with an actual echo chamber.


If I ignore someone i dont want to hear thier brainrot on another character.


Heard me name.

Me brainrott.


Again, we have hardly any tools to detect if someone is using an alt or not.

Brainrot you look fabulous!


Thank you panda lady.

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There are a lot of multiboxers. They can still just hop on another account and bug you if they want.

Not condoning doing that, but people on other Blizzard forums do this to harass people that have blocked them.