Question for forum moderators

How could this be abused?


How does someone abuse account wide ignore? Like they use it and then the person they ignored canā€™t alt hop to get around it and that abuses the person who canā€™t alt hop?


Oh oh oh but now jesus is woke, froot loops, trump, the weatherā€¦ what else.

I follow a page on threads that points it all out lol


And if people donā€™t want their btags visible to other players, there could be alias option.

Not sure if I should be happy or insulted that Iā€™ve never been asked to join :sob:

hilarious theyre denying itā€¦THAT poster is THE one I have quoted who literally admited the entire thing lol

S: ā€œthe amusing part is that that server has kept to itself for ages now. When it first went live, we had issues with people ranting about the forums ā€¦that ended once the rules were posted and there hasnt been drama sinceā€

EXACTLY as I said. I was there. I saw it with my own eyes.
its the dishonesty that makes it all so funny.

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They canā€™t alt hop, but it wonā€™t prevent those who multibox and post on multiple accounts from doing their thing. But abuse, Iā€™m curious on that one.

Iā€™d point a finger but probably get flagged for calling someone out. If you look you can find it.

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Nah, classic alts belong on their own forum.


What about classic mains? A poster is still a poster. Iā€™ve never understood any logic in any reason people comment about classic players.

I meanā€¦ i have mine? Its just memes and cats with a venting channel to scream into.

Oh and cooking. Cooking is cool.


Easily, actually.

Take a new user creating a thread that was already posted many times. ā€œBeating a dead horseā€.

Weā€™ll call that user ā€œXā€.

Another user finds said thread and grows easily irritated. Which has occurred more than times counted on this place.

Weā€™ll call that user ā€œYā€.

Y ends up seeing a WHOLE BUNCH OF Xā€™s and begins to start account-wide ignores for every X posting the same crap.

Results will be an echo chamber.

Thatā€™s not really abuse. Thatā€™s just Y being foolhardy.

I can believe this as Iā€™ve definintely noticed a marked reduction in moderation of GD. Occasionally the CS reps from the CS forum get dragged into here. But by and large, thereā€™s a lot less CS monitoring on GD then there was a couple years ago. As for the class and other forums, those havenā€™t had a CS rep monitor them in a looooooooong time. I donā€™t think a CS rep has entered the OCE forum in centuries.

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Isnā€™t thatā€¦isnā€™t that the point? To let people ignore the people they donā€™t want to interact with?

How is that abuse?

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This is for retail, not classic topics.

I canā€™t see howā€¦ I guess you could find alts easier but its never been hard.

I canā€™t see the abuse angle. Is it the horror of people insulating themselves,?


Thereā€™s already another 2 threads started in the last 5 minutes regarding this subject lmao

Oh god welp lol

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