Question for forum moderators

I went to bed and woke up and this thing is still going.

You are no one to me.

There’s no BS going on. They don’t sanction posts that don’t violate ToS. If they did, then half my posts would be wiped out because people can’t handle the facts and there’s even a discord about me.


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Yeah, the work day for the mods doesn’t start for another few hours.

Yeah I live in their time zone, in RL.

Rest assured, it will be taken care of once the work day starts.

I’ve seen this rodeo before.


I leveled a Demon Hunter from 57 to 80 in the time this thread has been up, made it go by real quick too

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Still any type of server going to see people.

No server is truly empty.

You’re not going to win this, especially with stating things that are not true.

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Im stuck at work for another 7 hrs so im.jelly of you

You have every right to be wrong and live in your world of confirmation bias.

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Your response to someone calling you out for stating things that are not true is to tell them they’re wrong.

That’s a very weird thing to do.

Again, you’re not going to win this. You’re welcome to keep digging that hole deeper.


What does this even mean? Sounds vaguely threatening, but I don’t even know what possible threat there could be.


Show me where you got a post removed that didn’t violate ToS or wasn’t part of a mass pruning as a result of someone violating ToS.

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I’m excited to see where this goes. He must be somebody important. I definitely have my popcorn out.


Not threatening at all. Some people on here, such as that person, will try to pass some weird agenda by stating things that are flat-out wrong. Some people are gullible or slightly gullible enough to buy it. I’m not. They’re still welcome to try and bait, but they’re going to be wasting their time.


Like what exactly? Tell me what other things I have been flat out wrong about.

Every single thing you’ve said. You’re wrong and you know you’re wrong.

I don’t know what anyone on this forum thinks they gain by lying. You made yourself look very foolish.

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You seem to believe there is a list of things I have been wrong about, but unable to actually list a single thing.


Sometimes it takes longer than that. Some flagged threads stay that way for days. They’ll go flagged, unflagged, flagged, possibly removed.

They’re called trolls. Don’t take the bait. Just flag and ignore.


We would like to emphatically express that this doesn’t happen.