I was taught some similar things. I wish I could say it was framed as nobly in my mind, but I really just don’t see the point in spending effort to hate. Usually.
You don’t need to make them do it. Horses like water.
It’s cute you think you figured that out early on. You did not notice it til after it was all done. Otherwise…
you would have called me out on that post. You are not as clever as you think yourself, and you are not being “bullied”. But you are a troll… and no one is shocked.
Why spend the energy on hating someone when you can spend the energy on having a good time, whether hanging out or communicating with one and another, on friends?
Energy better spent writing my tabletop campaigns, in my case.
Ayukama doesn’t release I know their alts as well.
Oo, is it me again?
I hope so because that means it’s me too
Yeah, what are my alts. Please, start listing all of them.
Do you want to know another secret?
Well, I guess at least this is a mostly original late night thread. If nothing else, its a step up from the hate filled stuff we have been getting.
You guys love that … lol
Anyway, you guys want to know a secret?
C’mon, you said you know my alts, start listing them here.
This is my going away party. I only have 3 hours left on my subscription. lol it’s been so fun.
It’s just an ellipsis, it’s not an uncommon writing quirk. Even in novels.
lol I was able to generate over 2000 comments in 1 day. that’s pretty good.
Well I wish you the best. This has been fun! I got to waste a couple of hours at work with this thread, and it gave me something to read on the train home.
My subscription expired some hours ago I believe.
Mine expired in 2004.
You guys had subscriptions?